[Spoilers] MotMG Part 3, Alien Armor Nerfs, "New" Paladin and Wizard STs and more




Current ones stay the same, just lose their combined set bonuses. Any you loot from their respective dungeons tomorrow onwards will be soulbound, with the new stats.


Okie ty.


ooh free skin


what warr st changes? I probally missed them


It was announced like 2 months ago. No idea where to look, sorry


that nerf basically makes it trash now


IIRC, Imdomptable was given more RoF but a bit less damage and had the -10 Def removed, while the Helm of Draconic Dominance had three shots coming out (like a shield) that dealt quite some damage and the AoE Paralyze removed, i don’t remember anything else.


is no one going to mention those new cloths? they look pretty good imo.


They’d look pretty bad with most skins, especially the ones that have weird cloth divisions (the pixels affected by big and small cloths/dyes)


i suppose so, but still they look pretty nice. besides, im sure they’ll look good with some skins


Here you go. In the “Items” section, you can find all the changes that now won’t go through (bar the Sullen Blade changes? Bee more specific with that “Sullen Blade is now Celestial Blade” >:c)


No thanks I’m not farming cland for sb sts that hardly drop.


Does this just mean the name (and maybe sprite) changed?


Dang it. I really liked the new pally st sprites…or at least more so than the old(new?) ones.


This seems a bit silly imo. The original design is fine as is and I don’t see a defense boost to be fitting for the fairy seal. They can easily use this concept for a new seal.

Using legacy as an excuse to make the same item with a different use is ridiculously lazy. I find that ‘legacy’ is a bad concept in general if it isn’t limited to reskins, doesn’t really make sense as a whole. If it weren’t limited to reskins, it ought to be limited to slight changes from the original design.

I would love a seal that functions in this way to be in the game, but I would hate for it to be implemented in such a poor way.

As a side note, I find this to be ironic.

From the def boost and the speed decrease, I find that this implies the Paladin using this seal is both helpless and evil, lol.


Why evil?


The -15 speed slows the user down. The description says the Seal is used to slow the progress of evil.


Oh hahaha i didnt look that closely at the wording


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