[Spoilers] No More Unnamed Players. ST Set Bonus Changes and some more


They did say they were gonna add more things to buy/do with fame. I would asssume it is.


If it costs fame it can be easily abused by people who have a lot of fame, make it so you can only refresh it a few times a day.


It might be a bit OP knights wearing fplate and pixie getting bonus, or Geb book and shendyt…


I hope so. Right now a large number of the items are basically useless outside their sets. Even though they can be used by other classes – by all classes in the case of rings – they are often worse than tiered items and/or common UTs.

The bonuses make them far more useful, as they enable the 2 and 3 item bonuses if combined with the other items. It makes sets that are currently largely ignored worth collecting again.

And that would be far more the case if they were usable by all classes, where the individual items are. It opens up some interesting new builds, especially for robe and heavy armour classes.


That’s a hilariously terrible starting point for fame IMO.
If we get rid of all account fame like DECA is proposing, I think it would be reasonable for resets to cost 200-300 fame. Keep in mind, you still have to have the dungeon marks with you. The only thing a reset does is reduce the time you’d take to wait for new quests to pop up.


I love the sneak peeks! If anyone has been following my post on ST items, you’d know that I’m very excited for the direction DECA is taking with this concept. However, a lot of work still needs to be done.


Keep in mind we will see a fame re-evaluation in the near future. This may fix the problem.


But then would you be able to get the bonuses from having 2 pieces of each of 2 sets? I’m thinking something like a knight with pixie, fplate, champion’s bastion and bloodshed getting bonuses from both of the ST sets at once, though admittedly the bonuses wouldn’t be that powerful.


IMHO, setting limits for how many times it can be refreshed is not a good idea. Instead, just make each refresh cost 200 more fame than the last every time you refresh for that day. Deca needs fame sinks anyway


oh boy, can’t wait to see some ST frankenstein monsters w/ two different bonuses. FR, though, it is wonderful that the last one or two pieces, even though those often carry the hp (is DECA… learning?) don’t become “normal stats + ST bonus”, even if they still haven’t balanced ripper.


this is all good stuff



yes it stacks ur all dumb, it’s obvious


Do you have access to closed testing or how do you know?


sick! I love this new setup, maybe some trash sets can actually be used be removing one or two items to actually make it useful! Also maybe some interesting 2+2 combinations and other such things can come into play. Probably most useful for buyables since that have some notoriously bad items (like all rings, geb wand, pala seal, etc.)

One of the best future updates ive seen.


he does some sort of magic, he’d be kicked from closed testing if he was in it for leaking as much stuff as he does.


Ancient chinese secret.


Confucius say: Man who spoils game feature; knows man from DECA.


So, the new update that is yet to come.

at first glance it may seem like a simple add on to make using more than 1 st actually beneficial!

but its much more. much much more~ (not really, just hyping it)

basically now you can get even higher cap ons. which is pretty damn amazing. you may ask “but killua how do you do that? also buff paladin st like damn” so, my answer would be giving a couple of examples.

starting with the paladin. we all love that one little healing boy that can now have a total of 75 def! (instead of 74…lol). as the old max def was achieved using an Mseal (+5) a CC (+30) and a UBdef (+9) a paladin would be at a max total of 74 defence. but now that only 2 set items give a def bonus to the paladin. we can tweak it around that. 1st since no sword can add def we put pixie as the 1st set item. as for the second its nice to notice 2 options, since candycoated is a must, you can either use the ST seal, and a ubdef. gaining a total extra of 9def+5set bonus def. or the secret option! using an Mseal and the ST ring, which magically actually gives 5 def. putting you at a total extra of 5 def + 5 def + 5 set bonus def. bada bing bada boom giving the entire set of using pixie, Mseal, CC , and the ring of pure wishes a total of 30+30+5+5+5=75 DEF!

now this is just what i tried to come up with. you can use this on other sets, althought they will mainly be specialized in maxing out def/spd since thats what most sets unlock using only 2 items. you can perhaps even max some stats using 3 items of a set, but at 4 its impossible since those already were in the game.

other examples of new maxed stats would be these

trixter: using Nil, and ubdef, the old max def was 55. since the other 2 are left empty you can use the golem brain and the st dagger, gaining the set bonus of 3 def, which brings the new total to 58 def.

trixter 2: using the st set brings the total vit count to 67. while using items that arent with a set bonus (t6 prism. garments. Cpop) you get a total of 59. since the dagger slot is empty you can use the st dagger, and gain an extra 15 vit. getting the new total to 74 vit.

trixter 3: max attack is 86 using the puppet prism, garments, and a ubatt ring. switching the puppet prism for a golem brain and adding the st dagger on would bring the total before the update to 82 attack, but gaining the 3 pieces bonus of 10 brings the new total max to 92 attack.

knight : using 3 parts of the st grants the 15 def bonus, if we switch the murcy bane with a candycoated armor you’ll be left with a constant 89 def. althought the currunt max is 96 defence, using the st shield will grant 15 other extra def, bringing the new max to 104 defence. (nvm i fucked up the maths here. its 89 defence when buffed. oopsie poopsie)

warrior : using 2 parts of the st set will grant 10 extra speed, switching one of the current max speed set (cutlass, bee helm, lod st, and cring) with an ST would do the trick, leaving you with 2 choices, either switcihng the cutlass for an indo, bringing the total before set from 75 to 72. but gaining the extra 10 speed bringing the new total max to 82 speed. another option since the bee helm gives no speedy, would be to use the bunny helmet. that will give a total of 81 speed instead, but using speedy will make the class absolutely broken. as if you’re using a asssassin with permenant speedy (helm costs 85 mana and lasts for 12 seconds, basically permenant)

that was it. i didnt dig any deeper but this update seems promising

as for the paladin st set, yes the thing needs a buff. at least for the seal. pretty please?

[Merged this separate post about the same topic onto here. -Nevov]
[Damn it Nevov -killua]




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