[Spoilers] Summer Update Leaks [now on prod]


Rip I fed

In my opinion, this is a pretty big debuff. Fulmi got nerfed pretty bigly as well.

Good nerfs but they should have nerfed a bit of damage :wink:, damage is the dangerous thing most of the time.

Also, what’s the “Random Stuff”? It looks like free stuff which is yay but not specific in what we’re getting


What is the t14 wand?


It’s now what it should have always been, situational. The sorc is now viable without the fulmi, not dependent on it.

I didn’t agree with the Doku nerf either but I understand it now. The ninja can now be played without a Doku.

I think is is a little over nerfed. I know the puppet theatre is a glands dungeon and the risk/effort vs. reward wasn’t great but this looks like they’re turning it into an abyss quick farm experience.


Basically, Deca can see when you drank stuff. They could already do that with keys, to offer refunds and whatnot, but not sure why they would do that with these :thinking:[quote=“Werbenja, post:52, topic:11128”]
Apparently the changes to skulls have already been revoked, because I no sign of them in the files.

They get removed and added all the time, but the changes will be there by the end of the update (probably)


My only problem with the skins, if these are true, then why have multiple skins from multiple people since i’m sure these are linked to the Art contest they just had, besides the beach ones; those were probably already planned. I thought there was supposed to be one entry assuming those were the ones chosen unless Deca releases the winning skin(s) from the contest in their own post on reddit


I find it difficult to get enthusiastic about most of this when it’s fairly trivial compared to the other issues that Rotmg currently faces (cheat-clienters running rampant, reconnectors everywhere, notifiers in every realm, and recently servers being deliberately crashed). A bit of tinkering with item/character stats is insignificant in comparison. So what if your DPS goes from 35.4648 to.42.3557 when the game has all these other things wrong with it.

It seems to be going for another small step along the power-creep path, for no good reason. Everything already gets steamrolled, so I’m very against things which increase the overall DPS of a random sample group of players.

Skulls: not a bad idea.

Sceptres: lowering the number of enemies hit seems a very bad idea, as it reduces sorcerer’s use as a crowdcontroller and I can’t figure what particular problem this is trying to address. If reduction is happening, I’d prefer make this the thing that scales with wismod, so you can still achieve hitting 7 or 8 enemies if fully maxed. In practice if you can just spam aiming once left and once right to hit all around, maybe it won’t make much difference, but seems a pointless change.

Puppet: it’s a good idea to lower minion HP. If you’re in a clearing group who has the skills not to die, each room just takes 5-10 seconds too long. Maybe I’d prefer -25% HP than for it to be so drastic as -75% HP, but I’d need to play it to judge.

Castle: a buff is needed to slow rushers - but it’s a terrible idea to add weak (which cheaters aren’t affected by). I’d prefer if they chose Pet Stasis over Weak anyway, to level the field between good new players who can dodge, and lazy/unskilled highpet players. It’s the pets that contribute to players being powerful, so address the root cause.

Ship: lazy if they do a buff only by the same method as Skull/Cube. Much better to do it as scaleable so if you do have the luck to get one solo/in a small group, you aren’t punished. Never mind though, a notifier will be along shortly to help you kill it.

Overall: mixed bag, changes from Deca continue to smell of crowdsourced ideas rather than their own joined-up vision for the game.

Edit/disclaimer: I’m nothing to do with testing, so if any testers want to have this as feedback, help yourselves.

Patch X.15.0.0 - The Balance of Magic

this me want to die
also yinyarn might want to die because this


True, especially on the powercreep aspect. I hope Deca really knows what they’re doing!


That’s what I thought, maybe they’re just collecting data for future changes.

I see where you’re coming from Nevov and I understand your concern. I guess I’m still on the “at least we have some balance tweaks for a change”, but that may not last very long. In the end, it’s not balance tweaks that are going to make me come back to playing the game as I used to, it’s fixing the stuff you mentioned that will. But I actually have no hope that those technical issues are going to be fixed.

Deca seems to be very afraid of decreasing the power of what’s powerful right now and so we get a increase of power for those that aren’t powerful. Yes, things will get steamrolled, but at the very least they’re trying to make it so that you can steamroll with more classes than before. Best possible scenario? Hell no, but I think it’s the best we’re going to get from Deca.

Dealing a lot of damage to a single target usualy yields more loot than dealing little damage to lots of targets, and as most people only seem to care about loot, Deca is just trying to please the crowd. That’s my guess.

Do they even have a joined-up vision for the game?


Of course plane gets a range nerf 2 days after I get one.


I honestly have to disagree with quite a bit of stuff you’ve said.
I don’t think DECA should be doing nothing to combat these exploiters, but ya gotta keep in mind how it works. It’s like diseases and medicine. The more you use the medicine the stronger the disease gets.
When they “patch” exploits the filthy scum are only going to find another way to get what they want.

If DECA spent more time dealing with exploits they would be wasting time that could be spent improving the game. Besides, this is better than not updating the game at all, a lot better.

I don’t play too often anymore, but I can’t say I have seen any exploiters at all in those few days. I shouldn’t be saying this because of my activity, but it definitely seems like there are less exploiters since the Kabam era.

As for the “increasing DPS for a random sample of players” statement… This is game balancing. They are not a random group, they are the underpowered. This whole update was about game balancing with a few extras. It is common knowledge that wands are the least fun weapons. Thee big difference here isn’t even the damage buff though, that was minor. The big difference is the faster shot speed.

Did wands need a damage buff? Sort of. I don’t think anyone would have cared if they didn’t receive the meager +10 damage buff. Another important change is the fact they made the lesser Wand UTs more useful at the same time.

I’d argue this is only a step in the right direction for Scepters. (Other than the wis mod… Shoulda just had high damage to be honest.)
The T6 Scepter only hits three less targets and deals more damage to each than before. If you find this as a nerf keep in mind the wand buff and the +10 Att. Sorcerer is being balanced to be able to compete with other classes, not just be able to do a single thing effectively.

I can agree with the Puppet change though. I do think that they may have went overboard with the change but it probably is a good thing to have it that low. I mean, just look at the Manor. They are very similar in drops yet the Puppet is much harder to complete. And the monsters in the Manor have 200 to 1100 HP, still less than the Puppet’s.

I like the fact they added weakness to the shots. I personally think they should have simply added a different obstacle that did this, but this addition is fine in my opinion. It gives the players more reason to clear out those pesky living floors, classes like the warrior don’t care much for it as they are powerful without mana anyway.

Also, pet stasis is redundant in a way. The bullets already inflict quiet so pet stasis would not make too much of a difference, only to survivability. (I still find Oryx’s castle quite dangerous, on both Robe and Heavy classes.)

This is more of a personal opinion but I dislike it when people mention soloing events should be a thing. RotMG is a co-op game and these events are realm-wide events that is shown to every level 20 player. They are supposed to be a challenge, even for a group. Dungeons on the other hand are arguably easier than events and are separate from the realm. These are okay for solo-play, they were designed to separate players into much smaller groups.

That’s enough of my rant. I find these game balancing changes only positive for the game as a whole.

EDIT: More rant, I lied.
The argument that increasing the DPS of these two classes increases steamrolling capability is stupid in my opinion. DECA has been buffing events that were steamrolled. Buffing the ghost ship and Oryx’s castle is only a step in the right direction, stopping the steamroll. The meager damage boosts will not make a difference large enough to notice, especially with the fact it is only two classes. (Or four if ya count Necro and Hunt.) @Werbenja


Normal players can’t even teleport 20 tiles anyway. The most with a normal client is about nine I believe and the most with a flash projector is about eleven. Don’t worry about this change, it won’t effect ya.

EDIT: Err, that’s not counting the length of the player to the corner of the screen. It probably is 10 in normal clients and 13 on projectors.

This isn’t exact, I’m going off of what I recall based on the weapon ranges.


Ok, thanks. I thought that it meant I couldn’t teleport on off Center screen anymore.


Not a problem. This change was most likely there to combat exploiters that’ll probably get around this barrier anyway.


Hey guys, I found this on […] maybe it’s accurate???


It is accurate. They are unreleased T13 and T14 items, which are also mentioned in the post.[quote=“Niegil, post:1, topic:11128”]
T13 (probably just for consistency): 95-135 -> 100-140
T14: 95-140 -> 100-145


Congrats to @Lovens for being one of the skin contest winners! Probs gonna be more winners instad of just one like deca said, so good luck.

Congrats to @Lovens for being a winner! Love ur vids!

@Superhamdv, @PIGGIESFAR - those skins (Thief Queen, Sunflower Fairy) were not for the contest, I just sent them to Deca as a suggestion to add to the game - in my opinion, rogue missed a female skin, and I thought archer could also get one :slight_smile:

Her actual entry is here:

Athena Pallas As someone recently mentioned, warrior class doesn’t have a female skin and I decided to fix that in my Art Contest entry. Meet Athena Pallas, the Greek goddess of wisdom and war! She is brave, beautiful and leaves her enemies no chances: [image] Skin flavor text suggestion: “This goddess never fights without purpose but shines in battle if you make her fight!” Tags in RotMG draw tool: mayartcontest,lovens,athena,20170525 Lernaean Hydra 16x16 boss sprite suggestion: Lernaean…

@Piggby correct, Athena was my contest entry

My only problem with the skins, if these are true, then why have multiple skins from multiple people since i’m sure these are linked to the Art contest they just had, besides the beach ones; those were probably already planned. I thought there was supposed to be one entry assuming those were the ones chosen unless Deca releases the winning skin(s) from the contest in their own post on reddit

@XXinfamous, I can assure you that both Thief Queen and Sunflower Fairy were made not for the contest. I design skins and send them to Deca sometimes (here are some posts from reddit: Mini Rosen, Crypt of the Necrodancer themed skins, RotMG Rule 63 skins, Thief Queen, Characters from Unitaz comcs). I didn’t post the archer one on reddit though, instead I sent it to one of UGC members so he could show it to Deca. Apparently, they liked the last two I made and decided to add into this patch. To my knowledge, none of the skins presented in this update are related to the contest - others were made by UGC group members which don’t participate in the contest. I’m pretty sure that Deca will announce the winners before adding their skins into the game files and allow them to leak through static.drips.


Ah okay. I knew the Thief skin wasn’t entered in the contest since I was one of the first to look at that post so that’s where I was confused with if they picked multiple winners from the same person or if the actual skins were gonna be released in a reddit post. Who would I contact to share some of my work so I can have someone who actually make sprites judge it and tell me if it’s good since the skin I posted on here no one actually gave me feedback on it


Whats with fire everywhere in summer nexus tho?


I most enjoyed how they even bothered to mention the changes to the sprite wand, because people use it right?

Used to be the best wand in the game then it was nerfed into oblivion to it’s now vanity item state then they took away the tri-colored shots for whatever the hell you call what it shoots now.

If anything keeping it the same as it is now would do it some good, no one would use it but if it had slightly longer range than the rest (similar to Abrahams), but you didn’t have said mentioned Abrahams.