Spook, a Sorcerer skin by Xaklor


I expected nothing less from the legendary Xaklor, good job!


tee hee


I see what you did there…


Hawt 11/10 would smash


The threads get sequential numbers, so you can use that as a guide to which thread is older:


hey, you’re right!

furthermore it appears you can omit the “spook-a-sorcerer-skin-by-xaklor” part and just go https://www.realmeye.com/forum/t/293/, which still works.

unfortunately https://www.realmeye.com/forum/t/1/ is “private or does not exist” :confused:
same for #2, and 3-7 all say “access denied”.

after about 10-20 minutes of plugging in https://www.realmeye.com/forum/t/X, I found that the oldest topic not made by system or a moderator is this one: 1 HP Shatters boss :D by @StonedRAGE.

and the one immediately after that one is number #212, which is actually the keep the cookie thread by @FCatarina. so congratulations to them for the oldest, user-made thread that isn’t locked I guess.

2nd place in that regard is the meme thread, #219
3rd is Verticae’s art thread at # 241
4th is rate the music above you at #246
5th is the never ending story at #252
6th is the lost halls at #257
7th is ask the person below you a question at #269
and this thread is 8th place at #293, 8th doesn’t sound like a lot but among the tens of thousands of topics you can post in that’s pretty big.

some other notable numbers:

sadly 420, 1337, 1000, 777, and 666 refuse access (although both 665 and 667 both exist, hrmm… :thinking: )

and holy flying zombie sheep where did the last hour and a half go?

Whats the oldest on going non Mega-Thread?

Reminds me of final fantasy, I like it


Cool drawing.


Holy shit, I leave the forums for a month and when I come back I find out my last post was NUMBER 10,000. Made my day


Shame it was my shitty ppe poll and not a gorgeous @Puffagod idea




why tho


cuz I can :wink:




congrats on white. when was that?


Mid December ish


This thread, much like its subject it seems… is quite immortal.


What a shame how we care about words like that but if it was ever put in the game I don’t think it would be hard to think of another name


I don’t think anyone on here “cares” about words like that. It’s just urbandictionary, not to be taken seriously.

And if this was added to the game I think the name fits well enough to stick.


I think you are forgetting about the majority of the realm community(reddit) When there is trouble to be made, they will make it.

heres a thing, when Nintendo released mario party 8 they changed the word spastic from international release because the word can be a slur in England (yes ik this is a much smaller scale)

Especially when the majority of realm players are american It would not be crazy if they changed the name

But I myself don’t care about the name and Im fine with the current one, I just think it would easier to avoid a problem before it became one.