ST Bag


it Would be Better to make a new Bag For ST Only So we dont get orange bags in events and getting excited breaking your keyboard then you get a cloth or a key so making a bag for ST is more better.
Thanks for Reading Comment Down About it :slight_smile:


lmao yes I have gone through 5 keyboards so far


How about black bag ?


i hecking love this guy


Idea is nice, but oh no, the community will be like:



What about like a very subtly-shaded green bag for cloths/dye/petfood/etc, and keep the orange for STs. BECAUSE I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE ORANGE BAG!!! it looks awesome


Well, some things aren’t gonna change xd


Yeah ST bags should be orange.

Dyes, cloths, and skins? RAINBOW BAG >:0000
But like omni pallette colors bc you don’t wanna overpower them eyes


I agree that there needs to be a separate bag, or maybe non-ST items should be distributed to other preexisting bags.
Personally, though, whenever I do events I assume that the orange bag holds a dye, making it even more exciting to find a ST


Actually this makes a lot of sense


I personally think dyes should just be in mark bags. The orange bag is good as is, just shouldn’t include dyes.


Fixed that for you, and I agree!
It’s kind of a letdown to get an orange bag in a Puppet, only to be greeted by a cloth. Heck, they changed the Winter Super Consumables, why not clothes? >:OOOO


Yes, dyes and cloths are more or less the mark of the chest, so it makes sense to me that they come in the same gold bag. I would put skins in the orange bag like the ST items.


Take fucking incs out of the orange bag while we’re at it


Cool idea but maybe move to WIP until you have a redesign?


Design incoming reeee


This is skin/cloth/dye drop "bag"
I made it more of a crate so the rainbow color would fit well.
Seems like a loot box to me
not my best sprite :confused: could have taken more time with it.


Yeah I think this sprite needs more development. It’s hard to tell that it’s a box and the colors are very confusing. If you look that the current bags you’ll see that they’re all basically just one color, which helps you pick it out immediately (and allows the boosted bags to look the way that they do). I’d recommend a simpler design.




Looks Cool