ST Bag






A new bag? No. However I agree that it is frustrating to get an orange bag and then it ends up being an inc. A simple solution is to put cloths, dyes and keys in blue bags because they’re consumables and leave only ST items and skins in orange bags that way we don’t need a new bag since 3 new ones were added not too long ago.


Yeah, or put them back in the purple bag where they belong.


Yes… But that does not solve the dissapointing problem. When you think you got a pot and then you got a fucking ink


or putting cloths and shit in pbags like they’re FUCKING SUPPOSED TO BE DECA.

also im pretty sure there are like 5 more unused bags.


they’re pots lmfao no one hopes to get a pot.


Oh… Really? I kinda look forward to pots :frowning:


why though? lol.


Well cause it means I actually got loot and hit sb.


hitting sb isn’t really hard also if you hit sb wouldn’t you want a white instead of something you’re nearly guranteed to get if you hit sb getting a pot would just mean you got the usual and didn’t get anything spicy.




yes ples i get like a mini heart attack when i get orange bag but its a cloth


me too feelsbadman


Let’s put them back in white bags, then!
/s, and /off-topic.

Incantations are kinda difficult to place inna category, though I think cyan would be a good bag for it: rare, but not a pot or ST, but also not a plain purple bag.


I would put it in the same bag as keys, makes perfect sense to do so





This a great idea and I guess i’m bumping it


Why? They already changed dyes to purple bags.