ST "Square Set"


Please make a circle set somebody. Or a triangle set.


Because circles exist in a pixelated MMO where all the set sprites are 8x8.


How do you implement your drawing to a thread, I click save on my item that I have made but it will not save anywhere :cry:




12/10 with rice


Everyone using it will be banned

Also is this as wcable as my “future spell:shitpost” idea?


if it was, don’t you think it would have been already? :wink:


The difference is this…


Wow nice roast




Noice meme


He got hacked, won’t be able to respond :c


Oh, rip my dude.


This is never going to die, isn’t it?


You know how she say.

True memes never die! Mercy 2017


Square teir


@jonassmann like these posts!




Could someone show me a picture of how this would look in game? I just don’t know if it will be feasible to implement, given the complex socioeconomic problems you have presented before us.


this is best of the best quality