Staff of Esben? [Where do I Use It?]


I recently just got the staff on my wizzy, but don’t know the uses(only know that it’s good in shatts and abbys for walls). Damage and range is lower, and it also has a weird shot pattern. Where should I use it and how?


It’s honestly a really bad staff. Its piercing doesn’t make up for its low damage, wonky bullet pattern, and low RoF.

It doesn’t have any real uses.


Store it either in your pet or on the vault floor. It has no practical uses beyond that.


Shooting around corners


Use it on chests. It’s how I got my first water robe. It’s basically useless actually. Well, it does have 2 spd so maybe rushing


Though isn’t the dps lower than tiered staves?




low dps… and low FP… but im sure deca gonna buff it, so better kept it at vault i think


Yes but chest sb is low


You don’t


This video will explain it all
It is the OG (but not practical) shatters staff


well…i used it on a pirate cave…cause pcave is my fav dungeon(ppe btw lel xd)


I use it to take advantage of the piercing and the +3 speed, but even then I hardly ever use it at all.



That’s like filling up your inventory with consumables to use for a 10 second small boost. Too circumstancial, I’d much rather just go outright and shoot the brutes with my staff instead of guessing for 30 seconds for each room hoping to God I hit everything in there.


Mystic+Esben+selfberzerk = obliterate the walls in snakepit/slight faster kill the walls in Oryx Castle.


You should use ti as a fame boost for when you suicide your fame farmer


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