Stalking realmeyers


what is that 2 para hps in your inv and then it changed to 2 exa hps :thinking:




i got my hands on some exa hps from oryx
then i put the para hps on a mule
then i put the exa hps on a mule


You should have said Magiks


oops my bad


26 posts were merged into an existing topic: The General Chat Thread


Found @XRyuzaki on a private server. She left before i could ask anything though.


Extreme stalking intensifies


wait, you play minecraft epic edition?
Extreme Tingling Intensifies

@SaknisJr @DivineOryx


Hmm… Is that why you asked me to go to usw2 yesterday?


wait, it was today
Thats illegal


You asked me to go to usw2 yesterday also…


I dont recall this, I wasn’t on yesterday…


Imagine using an iron sword instead of a diamond sword




Oh shiet

*XRyuzaki *He, I’m actually a trap


@AdmiralAckbar where are you lmao


infamous bad. here’s a better infamous. he got white star in 70 days and better than u


HOW TF alt account? or pure god? Wait he paid for alot of char slots


yeah its copy of me who is better, guess the original (me) is bad at game.
someone cloned me…