Stalking realmeyers


This is a twofer.

Found @DivineOryx and @Xaklor in the same realm. of course they didn’t notice me ;(


I think I have seen @Xaklor before tho he probably didn’t notice me either


oh fk btw thats my ppe


@CrayKiller and @CandyShi The two ppe gods.


No don’t you think about it




Reminds me I saw @DivineOryx in an abyss the other day and he was like, you seem familiar… too bad i didn’t get a screenshot




omg are u mboxing smh

woooosh u dummy


Yes, I’m multiboxing with 2 unnamed accounts with different names. Yes.

Failure to detect sarcasm, hm?


you realise i was being sarcastic first right?


What, I can’t respond to sarcasm with more sarcasm?




@ArexRew @Wilhuff Can both of you stop being moronic potato plants?

Both of you obviously Multibox and use hacks so I don’t think either of you should be arguing

That’s sarcasm btw, not like either of you are smert enuf to deedict thet.

That’s also sarcasm.


Whats this word supposed to be?






Lol no one has found me yet🤣


alright lemme make it easier

no I’m not a furry

