Stalking realmeyers


I am triggered by your blatant use of STs on a level 1

@InfamousX that is the most cordial conversation between stalker and stalkee I have ever seen :joy:


some1 find me!


I actually really like that word lmao





@Wilhuff s t a l k e d

definitely my pic btw.


Where’d you get that?


A picture a guild member sent me of a bunch of graves

quality/zoom is a bit off because I snipping tooled their thing


That’s not me.

That’s WiIhuff with a capital ‘I’


insert intangible rant about how I is thicker than l


LoL, you got me.


Also @InfamousX The guy with your name (similar) is in the photo too


thats not coincidence


Then what is it? Also its not his mule?


who knows.


Then what is it? Also its not his mule?


maybe an account made by someone else :wink: aka you


Im sorry dude




I see you got my mule LastDonkey as well



@BigDaigo I hear her cooking is pretty good too.
I wonder why the game censored the word.
