Stalking realmeyers


Is tHaT a LoRd oF tHe RiNgS ReFeReNcE





.> howdy partner


I locked Nitro a few days back. I think I locked Wilhuff last year, but I was far too lazy to take a screenie and expose him. Finally decided it was time.

@NitroFrost @Wilhuff


people who use cc deserve to die use bplate its so much better and it isnt super ugly. cc has such good feeed just feeeeeeeeed it its so bad


Itā€™s a PPE, shut up. Thank you. Iā€™ll keep that in mind.





CC is viable on samurai donā€™t @ me anyone.


@Shadowfax where gandalf


okay cc is garbage-tier yes but thatā€™s a tad extreme, rein it in please

woah woah woah woah woah hold up

breastplate of new life is like 4000x harder to get, thatā€™s not the sort of item you can just assume everyone has on hand

on an entirely unrelated note, bplate has even better feed. not sure why I brought that up though




For some reason I didnā€™t have you locked. Must have never seen you in game up until now


I didnā€™t have you locked either I just happened to see your name lmao



@DivineOryx Stalked.


Lmao, yup thats me irl :wink:


@Twitchystr baa! (stalked)


@Kablooeyy wimd flour
Also a wild @Fidelow on a Unity Client :eyes:


Iā€™ll never reveal the entrance to the secret sheep levelā€¦


got @Glawi


@Twitchystr too :flushed: