-Star of Demonic Revenge- New star idea


###Star of Demonic Revenge

A tough, yet worn star, made of an archdemon’s claw. The blood seeping out of it seems to flow on forever…


- Tier: UT
####While Key Held:

  • MP Cost: 20/sec
  • Range: 3
  • Effect: spawn 2 stars that circle araund player and deal contact damage
  • Damage: 200-250
  • Special properties: Shots pass through obstacles, “blades” despawn and spawn every time it hit monster
    ####When Key Released:
  • MP Cost: 80
  • Damage: 50-175
  • Effect on self: Speed for 3sec
  • Effect on monster: Slow for 2sec
  • Projectile Speed: 10
  • Range: 10

- Stat Bonus: +2 Def
- Fame Bonus: 4%
- Feed Power: 800

####Drops From:

  • Archdemon Malphas

####More info
Archdemon Malphas have only 1 white, udl have white and 2 sts sew have 2 whites but why abyss have only dblade
Big thanks to @Seelpit for name and description :slight_smile:

how star work?!


i dont really like the sprite, quite simple
the idea is ok, i guess

and the grammar is pretty bad


Should make sure your own grammar is good first before you offend others so easily :joy:


Dude this’ll s so awesome, and the sprite is great, this is again _way better than anything I could come up with. _ 9/10 because the shot sprite doesn’t match the shurikens like all others, but I’m just nitpicking

And @Pedrodark I don’t not think English is Pisaks first language so cut him some slack, its a trend I see on a lot of his posts, but it dosent really matter to me, if these were added deca would correct it automatically and that’s not half of it, all I care about is the sprite and the idea.


Nice GIF!
Description is self-explanatory, but the visual helps with understanding it conceptually.


Yea English its my 3rd language


I can make better sprite but some ppl say i make overshadings


About Grammar
Take a look at Qot
This strange quiver that was created in a forgotten age by a lost tribe of Dark Elves.
Note: The description of the item is quite strongly grammatically incorrect.


Dude it’s completely fine, and he said this sprite isn’t original, I’ve never seen anything like it, just keep doing you :grinning:


i’m not saying that the grammar makes the idea bad, i just think that it makes it harder to read

:top: :ok_hand::joy::joy_cat:

the shading is amazing, but it looks kinda plain, yk?


ok then lol


I love the idea, though the usage can be quite questionable. Kinda like EP, I guess. One problem I do have is that these will only be able to hit enemies once. My suggestion is to have the blades despawn and spawn every time it has made 1 round.

Also, sprite looks cool, though reminiscent of a bloody kageboshi.


Why are you amused by this? I have seen that many of your posts lack proper grammar.


This is one of the better ideas on forum, I personally think it’s pretty original, having never seen another idea that had the same concept. Although the sprite looks like it came from the Parasite Chamber, It could be worked on but I think it’s fine. Good idea :heart: thats a like from me and a :cookie: :smiley:


you don’t need to be better than something/someone to criticize it


This is, quite honestly, one of the best concepts I’ve ever seen.
I personally think the damage is rather lacking for the range it has: an average of 225 damage with a range of 3 is a lot less effective than just using your Katana, which has an average damage of approximately 300 with a range of 4.75, and a much higher fire rate.
To top that off, the MP drain is also significantly higher than that of other stars. You’d need a lvl 86 MHeal pet at least to keep it going forever. (For reference, the other stars need a level 73 or above MHeal pet to keep the Speedy up)

The Speedy after releasing space is good, so you can still be fast, though not quite as fast as other Ninjas (80 MP for 3 seconds…yeah, no math required for that); the Slow on hit seems a bit random for me, but I guess it means it can fulfill a niche the Midnight Star couldn’t…?

Finally, the description. It’s a bit on the short side in my opinion, and besides, I almost always do descriptions again. Hehehe. On that note, the name I also find a bit lackluster, so have a different one too!

Star of Demonic Revenge
A tough, yet worn star, made of an archdemon’s claw. The blood seeping out of it seems to flow on forever…


Lol, this is a bot of a late reply but I apmetimes exaggerate what people say, it’s gotten me in trouble irn and it’s a problem I’m qoeking on, I’m sorry if I may come off as a dick


Bumping a cool idea


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