Stasis visibility


it’s happened a few times now that i lost a character due to an enemy seemingly coming out of nowhere and instapopping me. Turning enemies gray can make them quite difficult to see on some backgrounds, Some enemies are also harder to see by default due to their sprite/size being smaller. those enemies are noticeable because of their projectile sprites.

Stasis has always been in a kind of awkward spot, it is a staple in discord dungeon raids. But more often than not, mystics are an annoyance, wasting players time with their ability and as mentioned, putting them in danger


Were you playing on Flash? A recent patch added a “flashing” effect to stasised enemies that speeds up the closer the stasis effect is to ending, but I’m not sure if this is currently an Exalt-only thing.

(The discussion about Mystic’s role in general is rather touchy, so I’ll refrain from launching a tangent about that =w=")


The flashing effect does exist in flash, but is slightly buggy.

I think more than the coloration of the enemies, the problem comes from other players obscuring them. Until player semi-transparency is a thing, I don’t think a whole lot can be done. I also have lost a few characters to the same problem (RIP my first-and-so-far-only Puri), and I think the recent flashing update is about the best I could ask for a far as improving stasis visibility.

@OP it helps to stand toward the front of a group so you can see things being stasis’d as they occur and avoid them accordingly! Best of luck!


This actually only works sometimes. Maybe its similar to the thrown entity animations, where it shows up but after some time it stops appearing (maybe related to high memory).
Ive been in a dungeon where some stasised enemies flash but some are just gray, even though they had been stasised in the same room mere seconds apart


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