State in chat that you are going to use an inc


Hey guys, just a quick note if you are going to use an inc, state it in chat first. Just had a WC where I used my inc at the same time as someone else and he got the credit for opening but my inc was used. Unsure if his was as well but just something to keep in mind.


Is it really that much of a problem? Incs aren’t particularly rare and besides only two people out of the group of 80 even bother thanking the popper. :thinking:


dude, incs cost like a defense, it’s not that much of an issue lmao


I remember seeing this situation in a Henez video back in the day…

But incs were much more rare then it seemed.


They were white bags back then! Could you imagine that?


it’s very helpful when people stop to announce that they’re popping an inc because that slows them down enough to go ahead and immediately pop your own.

very handy


I can imagine it because I’m old af



I personally wouldn’t call out popping my own inc, not because I’m a jerk mind you, but because I fear that if I announce I’m popping, someone’s gonna see an opportunity to pop theirs first before me.

If I really wanted to pop a WC, my suggestion to you is stick to the center of the room when Oryx is near dead and get ready to pop your inc the moment he dies. B’sides, not too big of a deal, incs are very common these days, a few def can already get you one, and one life could probably get you 2 if you’re lucky


Honestly though I don’t really care who uses the inc and who gets the credit, it doesn’t matter much.

Once though, somehow 2 people popped at the same time, I don’t think it opened 2 wcs though.


It actually does! If there are two yellow messages, there are two portals.
But because they’re right on top of each other it’s usual that most people end up in the same one.

See: Double wine cellar


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