Stats of the new samurai st set (Out now)


drops from mountain temple

Patch X.28.0 - Month of the Mad Samurai

Ring is trash,

Armor reminds me of Leaf dragon hide,

Waki is basically way harder to land but more burst-y spellbomb (8 shots and ignores def? jesus.) I guess it’s locked shorted than sword range, so it’s kinda like void quiver…

Katana, Pierces through obstables? Damn, probs gonna be dang useful in glands and such. 2 shots and not-bad damage.


Does it drop? Its still not on the wiki


of fucking course ninja and archer have to wait FOREVER to get their st set but as soon as new mcgee class rolls up OH WOW LETS GIVE HIM AN ST SET ONLY A MONTH LATER :))))))))))))))))))


shorter than a month*




by the way the dps calculator is becoming extremely outdated now


oh wow! thats cool and original!
i hope they add this new sprite!


That’s the Warrior ST set skin…


still no ninja st set :frowning:


Post based off this


hmm, i like it . ring sucks as usual but ability is cool it sounds like. weapon not sure, it sounds kinda like a dblade. armour is nice meh. but set bonus is nice, really like defensive stats.




Oh ffs…I can’t tell when people are being serious or sarcastic on this damn forum…






yes thats how its spelled :slight_smile: , with an h


not a shitpost btw hehexd 100000% legit




