Still in old realm after doing Pirate Cave during Oryx shake


So I went in a Pirate Cave portal whilst the Oryx shake was happening (there was only 3 or 4 people in realm and I have no patience to do the one billion HP blocks for the Guardians) and when I came out I was still in the old realm.

After about a minute I got DC’d and thrown back to Nexus.

Not sure what anyone is going to do with this information so let me offer you a refund on the 30 seconds of your life it took to read this…

Trivial Issues Thread

That’s like a known one and it says You are not in a game at the moment


(Moved out of the Trivial topic)

It seems there’s a change to how the new realms generate, and if you leave a dungeon after the quake you get in this temporary limbo realm. See You are not in a game at the moment for a bigger explain.

I’ll close this as the other one is about the same bug.


Same bug as: You are not in a game at the moment