Stone Guardian ST Knight Set


This is my first ST Set I made, i made it because next month is October, it is not a replacement for Oryx ST set, just a idea that I wish was in the game and if it was in the game, the knight would be the first class to have 1 ST set that can be traded and 1 ST set that is SB. I worked pretty hard so hope you guys like it. Also I don’t know how the Full Set Skin will look like. It be great if you guys can provide Ideas.

Sword Of The Gaurdian
Sword%20Of%20The%20GaurdianShot Full Set Shot ------> Shot
This sword is given to the greatest warriors, but this sword seems to corrupt anyone that swings it…

Tier ST
Shots 1
Damage 200–240
Projectile Speed 10 tiles/second
Lifetime 0.35 seconds
Range 3.5 tiles
Fire rate 110%
Fame Bonus 4%
Feed Power 650

Drops from: Stone Guardian (Red)
Type of bagThON0a5

Shield Of Immunity
Shield%20Of%20immunity Shots
Still dark magic left inside this shield, its powerful blast seems to stun opponents for long period of time…
Tier: ST
MP Cost: 100
Width/Shots: 3
Damage: 210-240
Projectile Speed: 16
Range: 3
Effect: Stun for 5 seconds
Stat Bonus: +8 DEF, +2 atk +2 WIS
Fame Bonus: 4%
Feed Power: 450
Drops from: Stone Guardian (Blue)
Cool Down: 7 Secs
Type of bag image

Defenders Armor
This armor is given to those who protect it with their life, giving the the defender strength…
Tier: ST
Stat Bonuses: +21 Def 3 Atk
Fame Bonus: 4%
Feed Power: 650
Drops from: Janus the Doorwarden
Type of bag image

Ring Of Devastation
This ring seems to give a powerful aura that can bring destruction and chaos…
Tier: ST
Stat Bonus: +40HP +40MP +2 Dex +3 Atk
Fame Bonus: 4%
Feed Power: 450
Drops from: Brute Of Oryx
Type of bag image
Thanks for checking it out. Next idea I will be working on will be reskin winter helm (not jugg) So stay tuned, I guess?
Don’t forget to give suggestions on how the Full ST Skin will look, thanks.
I’ll post the link when I finish the Winter Helmet here: Reskin Hivemaster Helm - Helm of Frozen Protection


In my opinion shield is too op because it doesn’t trade much more damage for 2 seconds more stun and 10 less mp cost


I think its equal now or balanced


Now I think it’s a very good stuff shield I don’t mean that it’s op
Very nice work btw (is it your first?)




I have more idea’s that I will work on but it might take time, so just wait till i release them


oH I remember when I was a beginner I was created so many bad posts but yours are greatful
I think it should be moved to idea|items
This doesn’t fit well here because in my opinion this is a full post


k ill move it


what program do you use to make these?

#10 here is the real link lol


Colossus costs 100mp and stuns for 3 seconds, easily can permastun with good pet.




it takes out dmg compared to colossus and -1 shots also -4 def. Unless you want me to adjust it? Added a cool down to make it balance


Alright wtf is this shield? 90 mp 5 second stuns and 4 shots! I mean this ST item makes scutom COMPLETELY USELESS! Should be more mana for stun time or just make a pally/war ability. If you don’t already know you don’t to do tons of damage to get soulbound as everyone has same chances after soulbound threshold is met. Meaning this shield would be best shield in game and would be most used. pls remove


scutum cool down 1,5 ST shield cool down 6 secs -_- scutum is still useful?


Yeah, I saw that it takes out damage, and considering knights do the lowest dps out of all the melee’s, I see where you’re coming from adding the -4def and -1 shots but…Why? The colossus stuns for 3 seconds and costs 100Mp - People with a maxed legendary (Which costs A LOT of grinding, or mainly money.) can easily permastun.

Why would you need more damage with the shield when 210 (minimum) x 4 is 840. Landing only 1 stun and all 4 shots would give you a decent chance of soulbound, even with ~10 people. And cosidering you have an MP heal pet which 90% of rotmg players do; This can easily be overpowered.

  • One cool fact about UT’s is that they are situational, they give something but take away something at the same time. Such as longer range sword for less damage, more projectiles for less damage, etc. So what would the shield have to give?

I would make the shield have 2 shots, have ~1.5 range, maybe even 1. And ramp the MP cost up to about ~140-170. Since you’re going to be basically doubling the stun time (1 second less) and for the cost of slightly less than 200Mp, which is what the typical 2 stuns is.


Only added 100 mp, and - 1 shot its balanced already and nerfed enough…


also did you forget the COOL DOWN?!?!? Or no one doesn’t even care about it?


It’s only 1 second cooldown, you can easily just circle the enemy and they would never hit you because rarely the enemies predict your movements, most of them just shoot straight at you. So circling is a let alone chance of permastunning.


Colossus can be used multiple times instead you have to wait 1 sec before using the ST shield again…


the shield is not that op, its been nerfed and I think its pretty decent now