Story Archive


By ShadeFireI

Skull of Corrupted Souls, part Demon Blade

Once there was a king. He ruled so much better than his successor’s successor, Oryx the Mad God. Unlike Oryx, this king—the god Malphas—was much loved and respected by his people. He was just and kind (not to mention good-looking), and every decision, every action was made with the well-being of his realm in mind.

Then one day, he had a bad run-in with a very strange spirit. Many spirits who inhabited his realm were helpful and offered assistance and advice to passerby. This one, however, not only was rude, but every word echoed evil. “Bring me to the king,” the spirit demanded roughly.

Malphas examined him with wary eyes. “I am the king,” he informed the spirit carefully. The spirit laughed a harsh, grating laugh. “This scrap is a king,” he scoffed. “What a piteous kingdom, to be ruled by such a piteous king.”

Malphas drew his sword, pointing it towards the spirit threateningly. “Leave or speak your purpose,” he commanded. The spirit did not speak. Instead, it rushed towards the king and, while the king was off his guard, possessed him. Later, Malphas, upon first glance, did not look to be different. Yet his eyes burned with blue flame, and there was a kind of scorn in the way he looked or interacted with his lower ranks, in contrast to his usual respect and warmth.

One day he was faced with a difficult decision. The pure side of him felt the evil spirit attempting to corrupt his choice, and he resisted, but it was too strong. His final decision was well-meaning, yet underneath, there were so many tears in the reasoning, result of evil’s pollution. It brought sadness and despair to the realm. In the end, his most trusted friend, his wisest advisor, raised the sharpest sword able to be forged in the kingdom against Malphas, and beheaded him, banishing the king’s spirit to the deepest abyss where demons dwelled. Malphas found a vessel where he could reside, and ruled Hell as a different sort of king.

In shame and sorrow to his betrayal of Malphas, the king’s advisor placed the gold crown of king on the head and stored the bloody head away in a chest. Slowly, as years passed, the skin and flesh rotted away and the blood crusted and fell away, leaving only a horrifically beautiful gray skull with a perfect gold crown perched atop the head. And Malphas’ sword, brought with him to Hell, though once used in the aid of the realm, it became cursed and wickedly powerful. Only the bravest adventurers who defeat Archdemon Malphas have the chance to obtain this evil blade, and use it for their own benefit—the rare Demon Blade. And the chest containing the skull later was plunged into a deep fissure during an earthquake, where the Lost Halls now are formed, where Malus the Cultist King now keeps it as a treasured possession, although he would much rather get rid of its powerful creepiness. The lucky fighters who manage to defeat Malus may obtain this frightening item, the Skull of Corrupted Souls…

“The cursed soul of a corrupted mind. Good intentions can go horribly wrong.”

Doku no Ken and part Forgotten Crown

Long before Oryx the Mad God ruled the realm, his father Septavius the Just was king. True to his name, he was a fair and kind leader, always ensuring the safety and happiness of his people. Oryx, of course, hated his father’s way of leading—he believed strongly that the kingdom should be ruled with brutal force—but still being a young teenager, he could not do anything, or so Septavius thought…

One night changed everything. It was a dark and stormy hour, and Septavius heard a strange rustle from the bushes outside of his chamber. He frowned, donning his special magic crown, strapping on his chestplate and greaves, and grabbing his katana before pushing open his door and creeping into the wet, rainy night.

Soon there was a series of footsteps. Septavius tensed, tightening his grip on his blade, as three figures pushed their way out of the bushes. The one in the lead seemed human, clad in black and red armor with glowing red eyes, a shield of onyx, and grayish horns on his helmet. The other two were arachnids, colored green with red spots and glistening dark eyes.

“Old man, your rule ends here,” a voice rumbled from underneath the human’s mask. He brandished his black-hilted sword. “Arachna, Arachnid, attack!”

Oh? Arachna the Spider Queen and her son…perhaps this will be an interesting battle. Septavius dodged the spiders’ snapping pincers but they lunged again, wrapping sticky web-like strands around him and rendering his sword useless. The human stood at the side, smirking at the king’s futile attempts to break free before stepping forwards, about to bring his sword down on Septavius’s head.

“Y-you leave me no choice!” Septavius cried in despair. “The spell I swore not to use…Sragiste Tous Makria!

His formerly dull gray crown glowed in a bright gold color, radiating light across the spiders’ and the human’s bodies, and there were two twin flashes and Arachna and Arachnid disappeared (along with their annoying string), sealed away to a separated dimension for eternity. The human still stood, however, snarling as he snatched the crown from Septavius’s head and pointed it towards the old king. “You swore not to use it? Well, you shall suffer the consequences of breaking your oath! Exafanizomai!

There was a third flash, and Septavius vanished, leaving only his crown and katana behind. The crown later became the Forgotten Crown of the Shatters, and Septavius’s human attacker picked up the katana, hunted down Arachna’s son Aracnid (he thought the mother could produce more spiders he could control and decided to spare her), burying the blade in Arachnid’s maw. Due to the secondary effects of Septavius’s spell the spider could not die, forced to suffer in pain and fury until a brave traveler came along, removing the katana from him after his crushing defeat.

As for the human…only after years of life and death and resurrection in the Undead Lair he was sealed away to did Septavius realize it was Oryx his son, who murdered him for control of the kingdom.

The katana is now named the Doku no Ken, or Sword of Poison, and used against Oryx and his followers, the Mad God’s own repent for his sins.

Wakizashi of Crossing Fires

Wakizashi of Crossing Fires: A blade created within the Hellforge and enchanted with dark magics to grant its wielder the power of a demon king.

Ever since the start of Oryx’s reign, Shaitan had been the Mad God’s advisor. With his tall, imposing figure, burnt sienna skin and waves of hair, crushingly large hands, and glowing red helm, no minion of Oryx dared to cross him, much less the fighters of the Realm.

But one day, while Shaitan was dozing peacefully in his lava-swamped lair, a group of these Realmers arrived in his home to challenge him. Using his powers of the deadliest flames, he fended them off with no trouble, but the attack worried him.

“Those pests are growing bold,” he said to himself. “I defeated them easily today, but what if they begin a hunt for me? What shall I do then?”

He went to confide in Oryx about his troubles. Oryx laughed it off, proclaiming boldly, “They shall never defeat you, Shaitan. You are only paranoid.”

Shaitan inclined his head. Oryx must be right. The Realmers could not ever hurt him.

The attacks grew more and more frequent until Shaitan hardly dared to sleep at night. He kept himself ready and tense, each time using more and more energy to drive away the invaders.

Soon, the attacks ceased again, however. Shaitan let himself settle. His schedule returned to normal. At night, he would doze off easily.

One night before the Month of the Mad God, while Shaitan was preparing to sleep, there was a sudden noise as his door flew open with such force that it slammed against the wall. A group of Realmers rushed in, each one armed, and charged at him. He shot blasts of fire, but the Realmers put up a difficult fight. By the time there was just one battered Realmer left, Shaitan too was exhausted. All he could muster was a tiny lick of flame that dissipated in seconds. Fortunately, the Realmer had lost his weapon, and Shaitan sprinted forwards, his hands crushing around the man’s neck, snapping it like a twig.

When the man vanished, he was aching all over, cuts stinging. He dragged himself to the Abyss of Demons, and requested Malphas for a weapon.

The demon lord crafted him a Wakizashi, imbued with the power of his own flames. While Shaitan managed to defeat many Realmers with that weapon, there was one day where the Realmers overpowered him, and stole the prized weapon from him. As a punishment for his crimes against the Realm, the Realmers defeated him many times over with his own weapon, his struggles becoming weaker each time, until finally he was slain.


By PixelHero

The Lesser Gods

The Lesser Gods were all living in a town called Ukkreal [OOK-reel]. They had been irregular citizens with special talents until Oryx attacked their town. Oryx had brainwashed the Lesser Gods and took him to his castle, tricking them into thinking it was Ukkreal’s original home. The Stone Guardians had stabbed their swords into two relics, therefore causing the ground to light up into a red glow. All of a sudden, some members became Minotaurs. Others had become Lizard Gods. More of them became minions of the Lizard God and Undead Orc Warrior, and few have become Shield Orcs. Oryx said, “This is your true calling, town of Ukkreal! To serve ME!” he broke into an evil laugh and scattered the new Lesser Gods across the realms he created. Today, we are forced to kill the Lesser Gods. The Lesser Gods don’t want to kill you, but have to if they don’t want to suffer a brutal death.

Headless Horseman

As a toddler, Oryx was fascinated in scary stories. When he grew up, his parents told him that the Headless Horseman story was not real. Note that it was his FAVORITE scary story. Oryx threw a temper, causing his parents to run out of the house and abandon their own son, due to his uncontrollable actions.

When Oryx wanted to take over the world, he realized: ‘I can morph anything into my own creation now…’ and remembered the Headless Horseman story. He started by kidnapping a horse and his trainer and taking them to his chamber. He summoned the male Stone Guardian [blue] to slice the head off of the trainer, and he’d do the rest. So the male Stone Guardian did just that and Oryx made it so he can breathe and do everything a normal human can do-- but without a head. The trained his horse to be evil, and now the Headless Horseman still roams the realms to this day.


By Makse1


A short time after Oryx came into power, he knew he needed thousands of evil beings to watch over the Realm. With his magic, he created many fearsome things to guard what was his.

Urgles and Undead

After he had slain many adventurers, he decided: why let them go to waste? He brought back the once great warriors, and made them into his slightly rotten ghastly underlings. Skeletons, Demons, and other devilish things rose. He marveled at his “beautiful” creations. He soon realized that there was a huge pile of flesh that was shed when the Skeletons awoke. Oryx said: “Ugh…What to do with you, my pile of meaty deliciousness…” He cast the same spell that awoke the dead. Only, since there was no bone for the flesh to sit upon, it grew eyes and started sliming it’s way around. These things he called Urgles, because of their absolute horrific smell and and extremely ugly bodies.


By Smellyslenderman

Candyland Hunting Grounds

During Halloween,Oryx was angered due to the lack of candy he had recieved.In his anger,Oryx used the essence of the foul treats he was given to create a realm where candy was plenteful.Alas,he came upon a problem,there was no one to bear the key to this realm.As a soultion,he took one of the lesser pirates and cursed him with a lust for sweets,he called him the Candy Gnome.The last step in his plan was to create some creatures to rule this realm.He created one for each thing he got on halloween,a fairy doll,a japanease plush,a unicorn lollipop,troll figure,and an old creampuff.Frome these he created the Swoll Fairy,Gigacorn,the Desire Troll,and the Spoiled Creampuff.Once he put the finishing touches on his creation,he cast it out into the realms.Due to it’s rarity,very few know of the wonders that await in this sugary dungeon.Not just candy but EVIL candy

Great Lizard

During Oryx’s childhood,his only friend was a small lizard.This lizard served an emotional purpose to Oryx,as all others he loved turned on him,this lizard stayed.

Sadly,as he became an unmatched warrior and leader,his lizard grew ill.As a last-chance effort,he used many light magic powers to cure him and increase his size and strength.With the help of Dr.Terrible,Oryx was able to clone the lizard (he now refers to as the great lizard) and use them in battle.The original lizard still stays with Oryx in his castle as his one-and-only friend.

Headless Horseman

During a lovely stroll through one of the realms’ lovely forest regions,Oryx came across a lone knight.Oryx was confused on why this knight was not attacking him.The knight stood,revealing his multiple cuts and wounds.He was capable of using dark magic to conjure a majestic steed made of lost souls.His power made townspeople fear him and run him out of his own home.After exchanging some brief hellos,the knight told Oryx of his problem.After hearing the whole story Oryx told the knight of his power and need for better minions.The knight accepted but was not safe just yet.Oryx drew his sword and asked the knight for a duel and as an act of honor,he accepted.One swift blow cut his head clean off.Out of astonishment,Oryx used his own power to replace his head with the nearest living thing,that being a pumpkin.The knight took a liking to this new noggin and was able to conjure his steed with much more precision.After the two left the forest and meet up at Oryx’s castle,the knight was sent to the godlands to slay many adventurers.The lower rank wizards and necromancers nicknamed him the Headless Horseman and he lives up to the name to this day.


This story won the Shatters lore contest in 2013. The author asked for a UB HP but NullBot screwed up and gave him a UB MP insead.

By Timett

We were six days into the lost lands, alone in the lifeless stony plain with only the voice of the wind and the light of distant eruptions. And the sun, but heat and thirst meant little. We’d all drunk the potions of the gods.

Sir Zagros offered me water anyway. The knight acted sometimes like I was still Lady Bukhara, like I hadn’t bartered my life for the red prism. I didn’t mind; it was good to have a friend in times like these.

I noticed the prisoner watching. He grinned. “Considering letting me out of these cuffs, sweetheart?”

“A real man would get himself out.” Those mithril chains would hold his hands tight, unless he wanted to sever them. I wondered why he merited such security.

“Quiet, Rashid,” said the knight. “Move on.”

I spotted him at sunset, signaling with flashes of light. He was young and armored, symbols decorating his heavy plate. Before he replaced his glove, I saw a burning Z symbol glowing on his right palm: a paladin.

“Any trouble, Saul?”

“No Oryx-spawn to be seen,” Zagros answered. The lost lands would have been impenetrable, but its lord was gathering his forces, emptying the desert of Oryx’s beasts. “Cyrus, meet Maya Bukhara.”

The paladin nodded. “I’m more concerned with the prisoner.”

“I’m concerned as well,” said Rashid. “Next time I’m dragged to the end of the world, I’d like an explanation.”

“And so would we,” I added. “What is this place?”

Cyrus looked at me. “Not many remember. Look ahead, girl. What do you see?”

In the gathering dark, I saw hills in the distance. No–

“Ruins,” I realized. “A city?”

“A kingdom,” said Cyrus reverentially. “The last kingdom, guarded by paladins.”

“They fought Oryx when he became a god,” Zagros whispered. “The king and queen were almost gods themselves…but they died, and their realm became ash.”

“We were wrong. The queen lived, locked in a crystal as a prize for Oryx’s lost lord.”

Rashid’s controlled expression shattered. “The prisoner in the crystal–”

“The one you killed was a queen of men,” Cyrus hissed. “And you’ll pay, because her husband lives, trapped in his realm. And it’s our task to free him.”

“Is that wise?” I inquired.

Cyrus shrugged. “There will be obstacles. An avatar to deter us, which we must destroy. A guardian, but I have my father’s seal; he’ll let us pass. A mage, whom we must sacrifice to. That’s what he’s for.”

Rashid’s face was blank.

“No,” said Zagros. “I can’t condone–”

“You will,” Cyrus snapped. “He’ll know humans killed his wife. We must appease him.”

“And if he’s not appeased?” I asked.

“He’ll kill us,” Zagros said. “He might go after our species, like Oryx did.”

“It must be done,” insisted Cyrus. “He will live, and reign, and conquer the world. At dawn, we march to free King Alexander.”

“Gods forgive you,” Rashid whispered.


By Urrsys


Humanity’s mentally impaired, oversized little brother that was banned from the house due to smashing everything. These muscled fellows evolved from a species of mountain climbing apes that were abundant during the age of elemental immortals, learning how to use logs and rocks as tools and a basic understanding of weaving and clothing.

Oryx did not take much of a liking to them at first, as he assumed they would join their equally smelly, smaller human brethren the second they met; It wasn’t until many fights broke out between the races that Oryx added these hairless yetis to his minion list.

They usually travel in nomadic packs across the highlands of the realm, lead by kings who attained dominance entirely through brute force. It was assumed that they would be fierce contenders with the night elves, but night elves usually keep their distance from ogres, if only for their foul B.O. Many ogres have dabbled in basic combat magic in recent years, though they still channel it through their cumbersome wooden clubs.

Don’t let the ogre mage’s hair fool you; There are no female ogres running around in the open realm. Don’t get us wrong, they do exist, it’s just that they are very rare (they beat out the Candy Gnome in obscurity), so one of the many intents of an ogre tribe when they attack you is that they hope you are of the female persuasion; A human female and a male ogre will always make another ogre. Human women are also considered desirable pets for their kings for some insane reason.

Finally, contrary to popular belief, no ogres have ever been recorded to have a scottish accent, or any accent at all, unless one counts the cartoonish tone of voice used by incompetent characters an accent.


It was originally believed that ogres and minotaurs were closely related, but was proven false by a highly intelligent (if somewhat egotistical) huntress, when her excessive studies on two captive subjects were proven incompatible for mating.

The common minotaur originated from the underground of the west-southern continents, where they constructed crude labyrinths within the caves that only they knew the way around, where they would stalk any prey that happened to get lost in these domains (which were surprisingly common).

Oryx was quick to see the potential of these horned beasts as soon as he made his realm, and whisked many of these creatures to the realm to fight alongside other highland monsters, among them being ogres. It is a popular belief among the nexus scholars that Oryx originally gave his minotaurs the ability to summon ogres at will, which gave them the name “ogre god”, a name that was dropped rather quickly after that power mysteriously vanished.

The species is among the weakest of the lesser gods, going for pure brute force as opposed to the use of minions.


By NileCroc

Stone Guardians

Oryx had always been protective about his privacy and the defense of his chamber. However, Oryx soon noticed that once his guards were defeated, there was no one left to defend his chamber. So, Oryx decided to make some guards. Oryx took two statues that he thought looked quite intimidating, enchanted them with magic so they would come to life after activation, and thought that he was now safe to do whatever dark things he did in his chamber… The only thing Oryx forgot was the fact that the statues were centuries old, and when the residents of the Fame Train for EUWest2 entered his castle, his Stone Guardians came to live and then crumpled instantly at the firepower of the Train. Oryx was mad. So, he decided to come up with a malevolent plan to destroy some of the Realmers before they mad it to him, by that is a whole other story…(Brutes of Oryx Armor Break :slight_smile:

Ghost of Skuld

In the Realm there once lived a Necromancer. Not just some ordinary Necromancer, but a female Necromancer(gasp). Now, all of the Necromancers in the Realm were male, so they thought Skuld was some brand new skin for the Necro. When they asked Skuld how he got the skin, Skuld went mad and released the power of the Paralyzing Crosses upon them! Many of the Necromancers died, but those that survived called Skuld a hacker and reported him. Skuld was banned from Nexus and forced to stay in the Realm forever! Skuld knew that she would not last long without Nexusing, so she invented(gasp) the Amulet Of Resurrection! She then disguised herself as a merchant and sold millions of Ammys to the Realm! She got so rich, she decided to by a resort for herself. Unfortunately the man that sold the resort lied, and instead of buying the Beachzone or the Candyland Skuld bought the Haunted Cemetery. Skuld became so mad, that she decided it was better to die. She did do this by jumping in lava, but she was wearing all of her Ammys when she did. The resurrection was so powerful, it transformed her into a ghost! She now lives on her resort, rich with Resus and Plagues and vits!


By Haloninja


Hobbits remain at the very bottom of the forest races. Usually the practice dummies of new heroes exploring the Realm, the Hobbits’ “legacy” is one of fables, one said to only exist before the tyranny of the Mad God. Now they are the serfs of the forests, easily overshadowed by their cousins, the Elves, and the Forest Nymphs. They still use ancient magical techniques; the best of their Mages using blasts of raw energy, in contrast to others that use channeled energy or minions.

Sand Devils

Very little is known about the enigmatic nature of the Sand Devils. Classified by scholars in a phylum unique to them, these creatures have no perception of good or evil, but are widely known to any adventurer who has stepped foot into the deserts of the Realm. Sand Devils are infamous for their confusing, erratic motions, and hallucinatory projectiles which are believed to be formed inside their cores. Much of the information about them is theory, as they decay under human control. Fabled it is that they come from warped dimensions, crossroads between realms, planar breaches that Oryx himself dares not enter.


“The Lowlands” (author unknown)

Bandit Leader

Due to the cowardice of these higher ranking bandits, they haven’t established anymore presence than they still keep to this day. They have a strong rivalry with the pirates.


Bald headband and du-rag clad men who rob from the weak and poor. The hobbits and some of the elves considered them a menace. They often compete with and even clash with the pirates.

Hobbit Mage

A tiny little Hobbit Mage that can be found in the dry areas near the beach. Adventurers will soon recognise it by the flurry of blue flying around it. Don’t walk right in!

Hobbit Rogue

This cute little guy will try to slash you with his sword. Don’t worry though, his sword will break easily in any combat.

Hobbit Archer

This hobbit comes complete with a little bow that gives a warrior a dent in his armor. Try not to step on this little guy.

Undead Hobbit Mage

It’s a little known fact that hobbit mages grow in strength once they cross the border of the living into the realms of the deceased. Because of their desire for power and acceptance, they turn to demonic magic in the underworld and return with a more sinister appearance and more powerful magical ability. This magical hobbit, grown fond of his dark desires along with a bottomless hunger for power, has now further enhanced his cunning wizardry and poses an even bigger threat to adventurers exploring the forests of lower regions. Indeed, with eyes burning with the light of his combusting soul, and adorned with his old robe now soaked in blood, his flurry of spells and goons alike will spread terror and despair among all who dares approach his murky territories.

But the other minions still like to call him “shorty”.

Undead Hobbit Rogue

Many would be against the concept of reanimating corpses, but many necromancers find it very efficient to revive hobbits because they breed so quickly and die in such huge numbers. Its better that they get to fight another day rather than let their perfectly good corpses rot away unused, right? Well, thats not what the mean old guild of magic thinks… At least Oryx embraced this sort of thing with more acceptance.

This hobbit used to use a dagger, although it might be a sword to them because of their body size.

Hi little guy :slight_smile: … ARGH GERROFF MAH LEG! -Jackie

Undead Hobbit Archer

Many would be against the concept of reanimating corpses, but many necromancers find it very efficient to revive hobbits because they breed so quickly and die in such huge numbers. Its better that they get to fight another day rather than let their perfectly good corpses rot away unused, right? Well, thats not what the mean old guild of magic thinks… At least Oryx embraced this sort of thing with more acceptance.

This hobbit used to use a bow, and apparently his fingers haven’t been broken off yet. Maybe one or two, but he’s still able to use a bow! Huzzah!

Sumo Master

The Sumo Master is a knowledgeable idol of being a sumo. He takes the Sleeping Bear stance very seriously, and will destroy any adventurers who dare disturb his “meditation”.

Lil Sumo

Lil Sumos are young apprentices of the wrestling tradition. They still have many years of wearing Mawashis, eating a strict whole-rice and sushi diet and killing new adventurers who try to take their Master lightly before they can call themselves senseis.


By Underwrite

Sprite Child

The Sprite Child is the primal component of what makes up the sprites we know today. The Sprite God acts as a sort of cocoon which keeps them close until maturation to a full-grown sprite.

Sprite Children are very sensitive to the place they are located in and will mature depending on which element they came into contact with. However, most of the time, their cocoon stays in desolated, elementless areas so few of them can actually mature, which is why full-grown sprites outside the Sprite World are rare occurences.

If Sprite Children appear in the Sprite World, they almost instantly mature in function of the tree(s) they’ve been the closest with. Sprite Gods still appear there, but they do not act as cocoons for the Children as they simply are free to move in their own world without risks (or so they think).


Humans who wish to settle into Oryx’s realm, much like all the fighters which come and battle regularily. However, instead of using their strength to fight with bravery the oddities of the Mad God’s realm, they turned themselves towards thievery and ended up battling other humans instead.

Each group has its leader. However, they are mostly known to be cowardly and run away when danger tends to show itself.

Ent Ancient

Before Oryx settled himself in the realm, Ent Ancients didn’t exist yet. Only Ents were present, humanoid, tree-like creatures. They were enjoying a peaceful life, in contact with a blossoming nature, without much worries.

That was before the humans tried to conquer the land. Witnessing the fighters destroying all surrounding nature with little care about what the Ents could think, disgruntled, the tree-like creatures called for help.

That’s when Oryx heard their call.

“Poor innocent souls,
These foolish mortals are destroying all the beauty to your eyes, isn’t it…?
Worry not,
I will lend you a hand…”

Empowering them with dubious, dark enchantments, the Ents were put into a deep sleep for a myriad years. They became Ent Ancients, creatures which vowed to take their revenge on humans for destroying what they had most precious in the world. Only the scar of a weapon will wake them up and release their wrath.


This person, formerly a normal necromancer like we’d know today, made the mistake to absorb the life of the undead into a large quantity. This had severe repercussions on their appearance, eventually turning them into one.

Feared and hated by others, the Deathmage couldn’t understand where they could have gone wrong until they faced a mirror, and that’s when they understood.

Acknowledging they have transcended life, and have now reached a state where they aren’t fully alive, and not fully dead either, they realized that, in combination with their necromancy alerady present, they could summon the dead.

However, the army they had was too small to even try to beat Oryx, their initial goal. They will, as such, “invite” unfortunate wanderers to join their undead army and complete the quest they had since the beginning.


By Inkninja

The Nexus

When Oryx first started to become known as the Mad God, humanity knew that their only chance of survival was to create a safe haven where they could be safe from him. The Four Leaders (that’s another story that awaits telling) decided to make a place that not only could fighters and citizens could not only be safe in. But also a place that those fighters and citizens could heal in, store belongings and battle equipment in, sell things and trade things. But by far one of the most important thing added to this safe haven was a spell that was cast over the place. This spell caused the land to expand as needed to the wishes of fighters who wanted to make their own guilds.

The Four Leaders made their new home in a pocket dimension that they created with their incredible magic powers. This dimension was created like a bubble in the rest of the Realm. Connecting portals were made to private storage areas and the guild halls that brave souls could create. They also created a Fountain of Healing near the guild and storage portals for fighters to heal at.

Another enchantment placed on their haven was a spell that made “doors” that connected to each location where Oryx had placed his servants in the Realm.

And when the Four Leaders were done creating this home, they at last arrived at the task of naming it. At first they thought that “Haven” would be a good name for it. But then they thought back to the spell that they had cast to create the pocket dimension in which this new place resided. The spell was Nexus facere tutum loco. The first word of the spell, Nexus (An ancient word meaning “resting place”) inspired them. So they named their new home the Nexus…

The Four Leaders

The Four Leaders were four powerful spellcasters, each skilled in a different form of magic. One was skilled in elemental magic and could create things like fire and water. One was skilled in healing magic and could heal any wound. One skilled in death magic and could raise the corpses of people from the dead. And the final one was skilled in magic void, a powerful art that created things like portals and transfiguration.

The Four Leaders are most well known for the creation of the Nexus, but they are known for other things, like creating potions that could heal wounds and give stamina to the weary. They also are known for giving weapons to the public that possessed magic, so that citizens could fight Oryx and his minions too.

Sadly, the Four Leaders knew that none can truly escape death. Even the one skilled in death magic only brought back zombies. Each died a different way. The elementalist died in an explosion of elements so that he could save many weakened fighters from the oncoming hoards of Oryx’s minions. The healer caught a fatal illness while treating some of his patients. The one skilled in death magic turned himself into a zombie so that he could forever serve with the friends who had served him so well in battle. The one who practiced the all-powerful void magic was last seen going into one of his portals. When asked where he was going, he simply said, “A better place,” and stepped into the portal.

Even though the Four Leaders are long gone, they are still remembered as epic heroes who fought bravely against Oryx, and made way for a new generation of fighters to battle his tremendous powers…

The Fountain of Healing

The Fountain of Healing is a fountain near the portals to guild halls and personal storage areas that can heal any wound in a matter of seconds. The Fountain was developed by the Four Leaders in an attempt to make healing after battles much easier for all of the fighters who risked their lives to protect the Realm from Oryx’s minions. The fountain now is not only a relic of the Four Leaders’ strength, but also a beacon of hope that shows people that anything broken can be fixed.


By traderwhats

Warrior of Oryx

The warriors of oryx were formed when the brute of oryx was misbehaving and rummaging around his WC. Oryx was so mad, he chopped off a chunk of him. The chunk turned into a little square, and when Oryx bent down to inspect it, the cube(warrior of oryx) jumped up, stabbed him in the eye, and then proceeded to blast his nose with energy waves. Instead of destroying the little thing, he used it as a minion for his new castle. However, since the chunk came from the brute, only brutes can spawn these little pests.

Oryx’s Castle

The castle started when the Brute of Oryx was made. Oryx needed somewhere to put him, so he created a castle. At first it was just a courtyard, with just his Brute and a couple of his minions and assassins. However, this just made it easier for the players, for then oryx had less minions and assassins to defend himself. So he made a full castle and inhabited it with multiple Brutes, warriors, and insect minions/masters.

Insect Minions/Master

Once upon a time, there was a wasp queen who didn’t do what she was told. She made friends with the players, gave them honey, etc. Oryx was mad, so he turned the wasp queen into a black and ugly insect. However, Oryx saw this golden opportunity and named it the Insect Master. Her minions became the insect minions. (P.S. she is still disobedient because she occasionally throws grenades that do less damage then they’re supposed to, and plus they give u honey. Haven’t u noticed?)


By Doomgi

Dread Stump the Pirate King

Dread Stump was born William Velatio Melachot Bastion, 2nd child of King Velatio Marrius Bastion the third, the kind ruler of his kingdom, and founder of The Order of the Elasian. The Order dealt with all villainous persons which would threaten the kingdom.

William was a very energetic child. As a kid, he would joi his friends in all sorts of sports activities. Although at first the King didn’t mind the child’s constant activity, as William grew, his father banned him from doing any physical activities, instead replacing them with mental games such as chess and checkers. To William, this drastic change hit him with such power that he went into a sort of depression. He would watch his friends out the window on sunny days, throwing or kicking or running or sometimes hitting to each other until a victor was found.

12 years passed. King Velatio watched as his son turned into a dark and menacing being, preferring his shadowed room over the brightly lit feasting room. The deprivation of physical activity had turned his energy into violent martial arts, practicing at night in his chambers. He sometimes stole a cleaned Kitchen Knife, then stabbed himself as a test of stamina and strength.

The heir to the throne, Michael Velatio Melachot Bastion,woke up one night to see his brother whispering to a pirate. The pirate was much taller then either of the brothers. He had a captian’s hat and a red cloak. William met eyes with Michael, and the Captain turned towards him. He had a brown stubble and an eye patch to cover up a scar. William’s eyes glared down at Michael. He tried his best to stare him down, but finally broke away. He cold barely see the Captain with his hand on the hilt of his saber.

The next morning, Michael woke to see the Captain gone. He yearned to tell his father the story, but the image of the saber was seared into his mind.

A week later, his father was assassinated in his sleep.

William couldn’t be found.

Michael gained the throne with no threat from his violent brother… William’s vengeance could only reach to his father, and no matter what prize may await him, his brother, favorite of his father, would always have a commanding power over him.

William went on that morning to the Griffin’s Eye dock, awaiting the arrival of Knife Jaw, the pirate Captain, and his crew. He hid in a small cave under the docks, safely hidden away from all eyes.

At night, he boarded the large ship and was named right hand man of Knife Jaw.

As the ship left, William saw the stump of a tree on the pasture. And so he named himself Dread Stump.

After many years looting, killing and terrorizing the planet’s inhabitants, Oryx and his minions spotted the spinning globe. It rained for 2 months and 4 days. Knife Jaw had complete control of the open waters.

But Oryx began to consume the entire planet. Before long, the pirates were on a totally different world, their ship destroyed with it’s pieces scattered across a beach. Dread Stump gained control of the pirates. He established a cave system that he controlled. His dark natures still resided in his heart, and at the time he had been a menacing force. Oryx had asked for his aid for the destruction of all pure life. Dread Stump accepted.

There was once a time on this realm where pirates were truly feared. But it all took a turn for the worst when Dread Stump was killed. The pirates picked a new captain, but their choice was one that would end their glory. Instead of picking an intelligent and strategic leader, they picked the strongest of their kind. Black tooth, as he was known, renamed himself to Dread Stump, in an attempt to continue William’s treacherous leadership. But this new Dread Stump was a drunkard. And the pirates began to follow his example. William’s cruel and decisive tactics were no more, replaced by a blood thirsty kamikaze attack. The pirates are now just pests that we must deal with, just an annoying insect. Some of the humans from William’s planet who survived till now still remember the power that William could command. But those days are long gone . . .

Davy Jones and the Ghost Ship

William, once a proud prince and the dreaded pirate king, was killed by an influx of powerful and tough beings entering the realm. Although soon after they had died off because of their eagerness for blood shed, the life of a powerful enemy was inevitably lost.

Oryx had known that William’s survival was not going to last. Being the strategic god that he is, he sent William’s soul to the Mad Lab that is now owned by Dr. Terrible. But back then, it was Oryx’s experimentation room. He transferred William’s soul to a mummified body of a Tlatoani.

The Tlatoani were tall and muscular, with very high spiritual power and physical stamina. Before their destruction, they had a yearly ritual known as “survival of the fittest,” where all Tlatoani age 21 and above would abandon their homes to wage a “war” in the forest. Not until a Tlatoani had lived 2 weeks, killed another Tlatoani and had been able to use the ingredients around them would they then be able to return home. Their god, Limon, would come down to them in their dreams to declare them free to return to their loved ones. They would become invincible to the other Tlatoani. Any Tlatoani that returned home without the message from Limon would be struck down with the rest of his family the following day by lightning.

Although the Nexus had been forged, many would not enter it for reasons of honor, glory and pride. One time, he heard the beings talk about “Davy Jones, the devil of the sea.” Knowing William’s prowess in srategy and warfare, along with the added bonus of a Tlatoani vessel, he renamed William from Dread Stump, the Pirate King, To Davy Jones, Devil of the sea."

He let Davy free onto the world, knowing full well that if he tried to control him, there would be many bad consequences. Davy had no need to return to the surface of the living world, instead forming a new cave system, honoring his past invention. It had the same pattern as the Pirate Cave, but centered in the God Lands.

Davy did not want to remain under the ground, unable to kill and destroy the victims that were sent here. Still, he did not want to surface, his pet peeve of the sun turning into a fear and hate. He began construction on a ship that would obliterate all enemies that lay before him. Soon enough, the Ghost Ship was riding across the wide seas. As a back up plan, in case his Ghost Ship was destroyed, he had a portal installed in the Ghost Ship that sent him into the nearest entrance to his network of caves. Sadly, this would also open up the cave, letting in any adventurers who wished to face a tough challenge.

Not since his days as Dread Stump has anyone seen William’s face. No one has destroyed the Ghost Ship. No one has entered “The Locker,” as Davy had named it. Not even Oryx would dare to intrude Davy’s private space. Ever since William was denied the physical activities that he so adored, his life had been taking a spiral downwards . . .


By ilovekirby12

Mixcoatl the Masked God

Sometime, Oryx noticed that plenty of his minions were hungry. He assumed that the players grew too powerful for his minions to kill. Carrying plenty of wine, he went off in one of his realms and noticed that the number of players dropped at a high rate. After some snooping, he found a new dungeon. Furious with another imperfection, he drank most of his wine and stormed inside the dungeon. There he met Mixcoatl the Masked God and struck a deal with him. Oryx would grant him entrance to his wine cellar and Mixcoatl the Masked God would lessen his sacrifices and serve Oryx. Now drunk on wine and magic mushrooms, he carves sacrifices and applies them to his face, using a mask to hide the blood and gore underneath. Whenever players manage to raid his dungeon and try to take Mixcoatl’s Wine Cellar Incantation, he defends it fiercely with all his fire and might.

Kage Kami

Once a snobby and stubborn adventurer he would often sneer at adventurers that were not as powerful as him. People would often laugh at him. One day, the adventurers had enough. They told him to prove his worth by raiding Oryx’s dungeon by himself. He did, being over confident, he ran past all the other minions and reached Oryx himself. “Only one adventurer? You must be truly powerful to come by yourself, or extremely foolish.” Oryx said. Oryx easily defeated the player, but before Oryx killed him, The player asked if he could have revenge on everyone that laughed at him. Surprised, A plan formed in Oryx’s head. He assigned the player to guard a special dungeon. After being infused with Dark Death Magic, he loved looking at other player’s graves, and to each grave he went to,and everywhere he walked, he left a trail of death. Destroying the life forces there to form a dead forest enviorment. He would enjoy killing other players for fun, but when he was defeated, he smirked, knowing that the players who entered the Mannor of Immortals would have to face an even greater threat.


By Spartachilles

Dragonsoul Sword

The Dragonsoul Sword was first forged in the great volcano Mount Fbajkshgvkjah. At this point it had no magic infused in it what-so-ever. It’s blade was made with the scales of a dragon. This sword was given to the warrior Oeti I. He was a renowned dragonslayer. He was tasked, the very day he got the sword, to kill the great dragon Dobahrue. This dragon was considered the dragon of all dragons. Oeti I confronted Dobahrue, told Dobahrue to say his last words, and drove his sword through the dragon’s neck, swung up stabbed the dragon’s eye, then Dobahrue flamed Oeti I. As Oeti I was getting burnt to death, he threw the sword into the dragon’s heart, the dragon died soon after. The sword absorbed the dragon’s soul. Today the sword is called the Dragonsoul Sword and has been duplicated many times with dark magic.

The Realm

The Realm was once a peaceful place; sheep grazing, non-dangerous bunnies bouncing around. It was created by the great wizard Jed after witnessing the apocalypse of Earth. Soon he created humans to roam in the realm too.

At first there was the first era, considered a golden age: no war, no sickness, nothing bad. But the wizard Jed made a bad choice: creating humans for the Realm. As they always do, they divided up areas for people to rule. When people figured out how to make swords and other weapons, they fought each other. This marked the beginning of the second era.

In year 67 of the second era, Oryx was born. His parents were Queen Mary II and King John III. The queen had recently read an arcane book and so named her baby Oryx after the book The Chronicles of Oryx. He was born when his castle was besieged. He was a cute, playful baby at first, then his mother was forced to throw him out of the window for his safety. He must of gotten a good hit to the head, for he became evil right after that incident.

Only 15 minutes old, he pulled a dagger out of a man’s belt and stabbed him with it. He managed to get into an escaping wheat cart. He was then adopted by the wheat farmer the cart belonged to. At one point when Oryx was 13 he took his father’s pitchfork and threw it through his father. Then he cracked his mother’s neck. Since he had no parents, he was sent to the orphanage.

No one knows what happened, but one day a bread delivery-man was at the orphanage and he saw everyone bloodily murdered and Oryx missing. Oryx then wandered around homeless until he was 20. Then he found a necromancer and became the necromancer’s apprentice. The necromancer then taught Oryx everything he knew. He also enchanted Oryx’s black armor which he wears today. Once the necromancer gave Oryx an enchanted sword and a huge dark magic tome, Oryx killed the necromancer.

Oryx used dark magic to amass a huge army of minions. He also made all bunnies become enraged and shoot fire at people who attack the bunny. The third era started when Oryx conquered the whole known world. He then created other realms to conquer. Next he used dark magic to annihilate every single human that wasn’t a pirate or any other minion he controlled.

Luckily 13 humans survived. They were a wizard, a priest, an archer, a rogue, a warrior, a knight, a paladin, an assassin, a necromancer, a huntress, a mystic, a trickster, and a sorcerer. These people came together and built the nexus over 10 years. The wizard, priest, mystic, and sorcerer combined their power to make the nexus out of Oryx’s reach. They made themselves united in a guild and made a guild hall. They also made a vault room to store treasure.

Eventually Oryx started to keep a few realms open and made gods of the realm for them. The 13 humans found a way to make portals to them. They went into one realm and started to slay the monsters there. Eventually Oryx started to think his minions were failing him, so he brought the 14 humans to his castle, one of the last non-ruined pieces of architecture.

The 14 humans fought their way through wave after wave of minions. They finally confronted Oryx and started to fight him. they were doing well until Oryx blasted each of them into hundreds of pieces and the pieces teleported to the nexus. As it turned out when Oryx blasted them to bits, he said a word wrong. This resulted in each of the pieces growing into a person after contact with water.

These new humans kept on fighting Oryx and his minions, a new human coming up after another one dies. All of them had the characteristics of one of the original 13 humans. The original 13 made guild halls and the vault convenient for everyone so people could found their own guilds and store items in chests. This marked the beginning of the fourth era, which we are in now.


When the Wizard,Ninja, Priest, Archer, etc. were attacking Oryx, the Trickster distracted Oryx long enough for the Sorcerer to use his scepter to shoot lightning into the eyes of Oryx, weakening them enough for the Archer to shoot them out (Oryx used dark magic to give himself better, stronger, cooler, red eyes). Oryx watched in horror as one eye turned into three pieces (his right one), and the other turn into two. These pieces flew away and constructed a tower for each piece. When Oryx brought them under his control, the Pentaract formed when each of the towers emitted a red beam to each of the other ones. By chance they were built in a pattern that causes a pentagram shape made by then red energy beams. The reason that the towers shoot grenades is because the eye pieces have a particular fondness for explosives. The eyes sent out by the Pentaract are the eyes of the many people who have tried to destroy Oryx.


One day a necromancer seeked eternal life. He had come up with a spell, but wanted to test it on something. He found the body of a king that Oryx had killed. He used the spell on the body and that corpse became the very first Lich. The necromancer used the spell on himself but it did not work. He tried it on some more king bodies (he felt only kings should have the honor of becoming a Lich)it worked, but not on himself. One day he tried the spell on a king Oryx had killed a little too recently, as in Oryx stood by and watched as the necromancer made the slain king a Lich. Oryx went up to the necromancer and had a conversation something like this:

“Would you like to get stomped”, said Oryx

“No! Not at all!”, said the necromancer

“Then teach me your spell”, said Oryx

“Okay, you say: tery vak bic, raise this king!”, said the necromancer

squish Oryx stomped on the necromancer anyway.

“I shall call these undead kings Liches!”, said Oryx

After that he used dark magic to control all existing and to-be-created Liches.


By ZxBROxz, Relmbleu, & NileCroc

The History of the Realm

Author’s note: My friends and I have been working on a 3-book series about Realm of the Mad God, so here is a little preview of how it’s going to turn out. It might take a while, but we will try to post as much as we can about this book.

They were all there. All fourteen of them.

“The Oracle has been waiting for you fourteen,” said the warrior guard.

“Yes, that is quite right. All us fourteen came to go on the same task or mission the Oracle tells us to do,” replied Neon.

“Hopefully we’ll get to kick some Oryx butt like we did long ago, right Sir Kale?” asked the paladin.

“Yes,” the knight replied, winking at his mate.

“Follow me, please,” said the guard.

All fourteen followed. And they went, and went until they reached the center, the center of the Nexus where Oracle assigns missions to other army members.

“I have sensed all you coming,” said the Oracle. “Yes, yes, I know; you think you will all be assigned to one mission, eh? Well you are quite correct my dear children. You will be fighting Oryx — but not like last time. His powers have grown 50 times the last time you ever saw him. It will be a long and hard journey with many loses and achievements, but you will do it, i sense it.”

“Thank you, Oricle,” replied Athena. “Can you please show us the way out of Nexus, and we will be on our way.”

“Yes, my dear Athena. All you will have to do is follow my guard, and he will set you on the right path.”



  • Archer: Neon

  • Huntress: Athena

  • Knight: Sir Kale

  • Necromancer: Faloris

  • Sorcerer: Walar

  • Trickster: Drakon

  • Rogue: Valdos

  • Wizard: Sadat

  • Priest: Father Tisnet

  • Warrior: Difrion

  • Paladin: Deris

  • Mystic: Mostyrion

  • Assassin: Refkal

  • Ninja: Master Woo


By Yorrin

The seal of the blasphemous Prayer

Oryx once used this seal, back then it was more powerful but after some time Oryx manged to create other much more powerful seals for himself.

he knew that if the seal would fall in the hands of a paladin he would have a hard time killing them, so he tried to destroy it.

But that failed as it was rendered indestructible by its own magic, so instead Oryx sapped its power and hid it within a beautiful white bag inside the pentaract hoping that no one would ever find it again…

Orb of conflict

Oryx used to use this orb in his days while he was fighting septavius. it enhanced his attacks and made him more swiftly, while stopping enemy movement. but as soon as he ascended to god status, the orb became useless for him. he was working on a way to bolster connection between malphas and other demons, he had already found a solution: creating a shrine which channels hellfire. and yet he needed one more component to stabilize the connection… Then he saw the orb, and implanted it within the shrine. out of nothing, malphas had connection again stronger than ever!! that is how the orb ended up in the shrine.


By Chain

Tomb of the Ancients

One day, Oryx came across a Tomb in the middle of the desert. Inside the tomb, he found the Ancients, Nut, Geb, and Bes. In return for the souls of adventurers to feed on in the Afterlife, they swore loyalty to Oryx. Oryx then fashioned a Sphinx, which guarded the entrance to the Tomb.

Flying Brain

The Flying Brains are actually manifestations of Oryx’s brain cells. When he drinks too much wine, his brain loses brain cells, which eventually manifest into vicious Gods known as Flying Brains.

Undead and Grosteques

Not satisfied with his current army, Oryx began to drink more wine for extremely powerful minions. Most of those “drunk sessions” failed, and ended up with an overload of gods. Frustrated, furious, and roaringly drunk, he summoned a hurricane of dark energy to revive his killed and annihilated minions. One by one, they rose to their former glory, thus creating the undead. Some unexpected side effects took place, creating the Grotesque. These new recruits were somewhat powerful compared to his lame Hobbit Mages and Elf Wizards. The most powerful of the the three, the Aberrant, Monstrosity, and the Abomination, rose to compete with his greatest Sprite Gods, Archdemon Malphas, and even Oryx’s Simalcrum. They demolished their opponents with sheer force and glory. Since then, Oryx has used these followers to defend his true self and also to collect grapes for his supply of wine. Sometimes he arms them with powerful armor and weapons not fit for the Grosteques. These are occasionally dropped by them, as well as some of Oryx’s precious alcohol.

Sumo Master

One day, while Oryx was wandering around unarmored, he came across a mediating (and incredibly fat) man. The man dubbed himself the “Sumo Master” and challenged Oryx to a sumo battle: If Oryx won, he would be his minion. If the Sumo Master won, then Oryx would have to serve him. Eventually, Oryx won(no surprise due to his wines and extreme godly power)and the Sumo Master willfully carried out his duties. From then on, he would use heroes as target practice for himself and his students.


By AznTroll

The Skull Shrine

Oryx’s rise to power was a bloody one indeed. After his father was overthrown and the Realm was under his command, Oryx began, one by one, to execute political prisoners who refused to swear allegiance to him. His preferred method of execution was beheading, but as time went on, Oryx began to run out of space for all the heads. The Deathmage, a close friend and adviser to Oryx, suggested that he enchant the skulls of the victims, turning them into undead, flaming abominations. Oryx took a fancy to this idea, and did just that.

Doom Bow

Many have wondered how the undead managed to obtain the dreaded Doom Bow. In truth, the weapon was forged in the time before Oryx’s era: the time of Septavius, father of Oryx.

The intention was to create a weapon capable of taking on the Elder Gods themselves, but Oryx managed to steal the weapon before it was fully completed, and used it against Septavius.

The weapon had an unintentional side effect, however; those slain by it were banished into the realm of the Undead, which could be entered via an Undead Lair portal. Septavius quickly became the God of the Undead, and began to wait. The souls of its victims empowered Septavius, who now eagerly awaits the day when he will have amassed enough power to return to the Realm and overthrow Oryx, his son.

Scepter of Fulmination

The Scepter of Fulmination was the result of another failed experiment by the infamous Dr. Terrible. Out of all the great adventurers who had taken on the good doctor, none had aroused his curiosity more than the mysterious Sorcerer. Wearing a strange cloak which obscured all but his eyes, the great mage had harnessed the power of Lightning itself, and had utilized it numerous times against the Dr. and his minions. Dr. Terrible’s acid potions and automatics turrets were useless against this adventurer, for they lacked the range needed to retaliate against his attacks.

Dr. Terrible, ever thirsting for knowledge, managed to obtain an old Cloudflash Scepter after one encounter, and attempted to modify it in order to increase its storage capacity and amplify its range. Over time, the Dr., being a mad scientist, attempted to go beyond this and create a Weapon capable of annihilating the Mad God himself. Oryx, upon learning of these plans, secretly cursed the weapon, decreasing its power, as well as slowing all those hit for a brief amount of time.

When Dr. Terrible discovered this, he threw the weapon out and went to work on another project. After all, the Scepter would be useless if all it could do was slow his opponents instead of killing them. This “curse”, however, would become a blessing for the Master Sorcerer who, one day, stumbled upon the Scepter…


By DeltaDart

The Skysplitter Sword, the Fall of the Storm Giants, and the Regress of Demons

When Oryx first entered his domain, there were many powers and factions existing there already. Among these were the kingdoms in the clouds, ruled by the storm giants. Oryx, bored one day, looked up to see a sudden unnatural thunderstorm shatter the tranquil blue sky. He then sent some imps up to the tall, unstable, flashing cumulonimbus cloud to investigate these unusual happenings. They brought back news of a great civil war. Air elementals, tired of their servitude to the storm giants and cloud titans, had revolted, and among the revolutionaries were the weaponsmiths of the air elementals; who had in secret forged a good number of maddeningly powerful blue swords, which they now had used to fight their way to the seat of the storm giant king. Oryx saw a great opportunity to bring down yet another possible threat to his conquest, and secure for himself unprecedented military power through possession of these swords.

Oryx called upon his army of abyssal demons, and ordered an assault on the torrential base of the storm cloud. Being bound by magical contract to Oryx, they willingly undertook the task. Seeing an easy victory for himself, the mad god downed a copious amount of wine. His plans, though, were not to succeed so easily. The giants and titans had seen the onrushing sea of scarlet, and set aside their differences to defend their homeland.

The sky was split by thousands of bolts of lightning, cast by giant lords from their scepters. Most of these charges found their home positively in the hearts of demons, felling many per blast. Air elementals pointed their swords away from their captors and at the multitudes of hell, and cast deafening whirlwinds that shredded demons by the thousands. Those who did make it to the cloud base found themselves drowning in horrendous downbursts that carved canyons into the land below. Archdemon Malphas was approached by the drunken Oryx, who still saw many flashes of lightning; this meant to him that the demons were not doing their job. He commanded Malphas to send his best forces, or risk utter extermination.

Reluctantly, Malphas sent out his Red and White Demons; in hopes that their presence on the battlefield would satisfy his intoxicated master. The lands surrounding the storm giants’ citadel were a smoking mass of red; many thousands of demons struck down and destroyed by lightning. The defenders, however, were tired from their heroic defense. Nonetheless, they valiantly attempted to hold off against Malphas’ host. The White Demons cast powerful magic that breached the magical wards that protected the giants, and cut down the defenders. Meanwhile, the Red Demons opened additional rifts to the underworld. Many thousands of demons poured out; while many died to the torrent of the storm, there were simply too many of the beasts. Their combined heat shook the foundations of the cloud, which began to dissipate from the inside and flow apart into the atmosphere.

Knowing their doom was at hand; the nimbine cloud beings performed one final act; they gathered their scepters and swords into a pile; and they vowed never to let Oryx gain possession of these weapons. The storm giants combined their powers to expel a massive surge of energy from the faltering cumulonimbus, annihilating every single demon within a mile’s radius. At the same time, the air elementals generated an intense updraft that caught the scepters and swords and threw them many miles into the air and in different directions. With this final act of defiance against Oryx, the storm giants and air elementals were no more; at least in this realm. The cloud titans, hearing of this cataclysm, hid themselves from the realm.

The demons of Malphas had suffered losses in the millions; every last small winged demon under Malphas’ reign was obliterated, their kind never again to be seen in the realm. The archdemon was furious, and forever hid himself away in the abyss, refusing to directly fight for Oryx. White Demons would be the only species capable of surviving away from the underworld for long, and the Reds assigned themselves the duty of defending the lava rifts that hid connections to the abyss. The only small demons to ever venture far from these portals were gangs of mischievous Flamers, who nonetheless stayed in the hot mountainous deserts of the realm.

The powerful blue-and-gold swords were eventually found by adventurers, who named them Skysplitters after their role in the fall of the storm giants. The mightiest of melee fighters used these great blades, while the scepters were taken up and mastered by Sorcerers. Many a powerful god under Oryx’s dominion secretly owned one of these swords; it would be up to the adventurers to claim them and prevent them from ever being used by Oryx in the future.

The mad god, however, found a few of them for himself, and hid them in his castle, thinking nobody would ever find them. Like most of his fantasies, however, this one was of course wrong.


The Amulets of Resurrection/Zombification

The first Amulets of Resurrection were created from the result of an Experimental Ring dropping into the green transformation liquids of the dwelling of the Horrific Creation. This effect was so enormous, it blew up in the Horrific Creation’s face. That’s the reason why the Horrific Creation can turn into a Pet when in the transformation liquids. Then the warriors came from the Realm. And they took everything. Including the freshly made Amulets of Resurrection. One of these adventurers later happened to stumble upon the Haunted Cemetery. Unfortunately, he died, holding the Amulet. The Amulet was so unstable, it transformed everything around it (The werewolves). The warrior was resurrected, then blew up. The Amulet was in the hands of the ghost of Skuld, now.

Then Oryx came along. After being beat up by the Realmers, he was in need of something that completely healed him. Or better yet, revived him. He had learned of the location of the Amulet of Resurrection. For a time, now Realmers had gotten Amulets of Resurrection, but behind Skuld’s back, Oryx changed all the Amulets to Amulets of Zombification. That’s why he doesn’t die when you kill him…

Zackeryss: Edited by Kloony(code)

The Story of the Ravenheart Sword

One day, an Undead Hobbit Mage was trying to think of a way to take down adventurers. He was wondering around when one day, he found a dusty old ritual tome in a loot bag. “Hmm…” He thought. He noticed a Falchion was also in the loot bag. “Ill enhance this Falchion with rituals, in order to finally take him down!”. He had a very specific Adventurer he was talking about. When he finished the ritual, the Falchion was darkened with a Raven-colored glow.

Then he started to slay adventurers that came his way. “HAHAHAHAHA!” He taunted. “Come to me coward! COME AND FIGHT!” He was directly taunting the adventurer that would seal this Undead Hobbits fate. The very next day, come he did.

“Master! Master!” His minions cried. HE’ is coming Master! It’s HIM! “We are ready for him!” He proclaimed. “We will fight him and prevail!” And then he came. He was dressed in Roc leather, wielding a Doom Bow, armed with a Lightning quiver. “I think it’s about time I ended you!” With a slick move not even a Rogue’s speed couldn’t fathom, the Archer quickly dealt with his minions, even while wielding the mighty Doom Bow. “IMPOSSIBLE!” He screamed. “IMPOSSIBLE!!!” “You should have seen this coming!” He proclaimed. “Alas, you were a great fight… No I’m jk this was way too easy.” And he shot the Undead Hobbit. “Rest In Piece…s”

“What is this?” he said as he grabbed the Cursed Falchion. “Like a Ravens color this blade is! lolololol!”. “Ill Call it Ravenheart! The color of a Raven! This would probably trade for a Golden Bow or something!” This is the story of the Ravenheart Sword.

By Radphor

The Flaming Swords

A Warrior used his father’s falchion to defend himself during his travels. But the falchion proved weak and ineffective against his enemies, so he decided to get it enchanted. He found a Necromancer who was willing to help him. “Which enchantment would you like?” asked the mage. “Make it burn with the flame of a thousand suns”, the Warrior replied. “As you wish.” The Necromancer took the sword and etched some strange looking runes on the blade, leaving the hilt unchanged. After, he stuck the sword in a strange bubbling, steaming substance, which made the runes begin to glow. He then uttered a magic spell which the Warrior could not comprehend. That seemed to be the whole ritual, because the sword caught on fire. He returned it to the Warrior. “It’s magnificent! What if I want it to stop though?” “Give me your scabbard.” The Necromancer took the hilt and did a ritual similar to what he did with the sword, only at one point he rimmed the scabbard’s edges with a strange-looking metal. “There. Your scabbard is now enchanted. When you sheathe your sword, it will not flame inside.” “Great! Many thanks to you, my friend!” The Warrior ran off with his impressive sword. The Necromancer yelled something at him, but he was too far away already. The Warrior started slaying things with his sword immediately. It proved to be effective and dangerous. He used the sword for a few weeks until he came across a dark and withered land. It appeared to be some kind of graveyard. The Warrior sensed evil nearby, and instinctively struck a grave with his sword. Kage Kami floated out. “Who dares desecrate this sacred earth?!” His eyes turned to the Warrior. “You shall pay!!” “Back off.” the Warrior said, trembling. “Unless you want me to burn the REST of this ‘sacred earth’.” “With that pathetic thing?” Kami jeered. HA! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That is but a simple weak fire enchantment, you naive fool. If you think you could kill my with that, you’re a bigger imbecile then you look! I could take the magic from that sword if I wanted too!" But he didn’t. He slapped it out of the Warrior’s hand and grabbed him. Kami opened his mouth and the Warrior felt weaker and weaker. “What… are you… doing…?” he asked weakly. “Stealing your soul!” Kami replied evilly. All of a sudden, the creature stopped and let go of the Warrior in midair, and he hit the ground hard and didn’t get up. Kage Kami made something of a screeching noise and dispersed. The Necromancer appeared from the mist that Kami left behind. “You’re welcome. Anyway, I was going to tell you that the enchantment wasn’t strong enough to kill monsters like THAT.” “But why didn’t you tell me?” the Warrior pressed. The Necromancer did a facepalm. “You ran off before I could!” “Oh… sorry about that.” “Well, now you know. What I’m really here to tell you is that I can do a more powerful enchantment if you wish.” This brightened up the Warrior. “I’m listening…” To be continued…

By TrueNinjaTwist321

The Ravenheart, Dragonsoul, and Archon Swords

There once were two warriors named Ravenheart and Dragonsoul Archon. Both were brothers and rivals, Dragonsoul the older, Ravenheart the younger. One day, after many days and nights training, they met in a place to duel. Ravenheart felt a shiver down his spine as his elder brother’s pet dragon roared. And Dragonsoul readied his sword as Ravenheart’s dark gauntlets grew eager to unleash their dark power. They drew heir swords and dueled, their powers clashing against each other-it was Ravenheart’s agility and quickness versus Dragonsoul’s power and experience. Then, after some time, Ravenheart said, “ENOUGH!!!” and took out their family sword, glowing with power after decades of unuse. It was clearly begging to be used. And Ravenheart was going to use it that day.

“No! This is not what we agreed to!” Dragonsoul pleaded. But by the time he had stopped his blubbering, the sword already had a few uses on Dragonsoul and the dragon. And Ravenheart the Younger was to blame.

It was apparent that the dark magic in his gloves had consumed Ravenheart’s soul. It was inevitable, and he didn’t know it. And now it was too late. At the moment of the murder, Dragonsoul’s spirit searched for a place to rest. The soul found it in the now still sword, which was being held in a cold glove.

Rumor got around that Ravenheart had murdered his elder brother, and it spread like wildfire. Ravenheart fought hard against the knights that protected his dark soul from doing more harm to the innocent, but he was no match for numbers. Ravenheart was caught and hung in the town square. Shortly after his neck broke, a dark figure began to rise from the lifeless mouth. It was a dark and stormy shape, with malicious intent, to possess the bearer of its previous host’s (Ravenheart’s) sword. So none touched the sword until one day, after centuries passed, a paladin spotted a dark runic shape in the dirt. Said paladin picked up the sword, and slowly, steadily, the dark and stormy shape possessed the paladin… and slowly, steadily, this cycle starts over…

As for the family herald sword, this became lost, and fueled by the rage of the Archon ancestors for the betrayal of the two brethren. Until one day, a knight picked up a strange looking…red-tinted blade from Stheno? He examined the blade and found it much more formidable than his Golden Sword. He found the name ARCHON on its hilt. So the gleeful knight introduced it to the nexus blacksmith, dubbed it the “Archon Sword”, and after a cast of the sword was created, the knight set off to fulfill his quest.

By PxLZero

Bow of Innocent Blood

In the dark mist of the place only known as The God Lands to mortals all was calm. An adventuring ranger was roaming the plains with a bow of simple oak of hobbits and string of the eight legged creatures hidden in the shadows. Such a weapon was a common sight and because of this , the bows use was very limited. As the archer roamed he noticed all was clear. He grew weary as he stumbled over the boulders and rocky ground. In the clear he saw a cloak. As he got closer he noticed it was a man in a long black sinister looking robe. He could feel the sign of corruption. Around the man laid several gravestones. “Necromancer” the archer mumble to himself as if he was looking for confirmation. He slowly readied an arrow from the quiver on his back and held his breath. From his knees he rose to his feet in a crouched position. Boulder to boulder he approached the necromancer, as silent as the night. With the arrow already in his quiver he pulled back as far as possible. The ancient string of his bow crackling. And with that he released! The arrow glided like an eagle until it reached its destination of flesh.

By Hotshotu

Ancient Stone Sword

Once, long ago, while Oryx was still prancing about like a wee lass creating his realm, there was a civilization like no other, who’s name was lost in history, capable of breathing life into inanimate objects, and giving them great power. They were in war with the magical warriors of the Lost Lands. On the brink of defeat, they gave life to two massive stone sculptures, and bequeathed both of them an ancient stone sword that required massive strength to wield, with this new weapon, the civilization was confident they could wipe out the people from the Lost Lands, their Lord included, but then Oryx himself came smashing down their door. And along with him was the Lord of the Lost Lands himself. What followed was an epic series of cloaking, stuns, prayers, morale boosts, spells, poison throws, stasis, arrow shots, trapping, shuriken throwing, healing, life stealing, and decoying, all by the desperate ancient people hell-bent on defending their new weapons, the Stone Guardians. It was all for naught, Oryx stuffed down their throats his most powerful shotguns while the Lord was taking a nap. Oryx then took the Stone Guardians, and realizing how much of a weapon they were, increased their might exponentially, enchanting their swords so much, that when you are hit by it, it will feel like a 7.5 on the Richter scale. And that, my friends, is how the A.S.S. came to existence.

By Fuba


On the deep night of Halloween. Oryx had been planning his next plan to destroy all the humans who stand in his way. Then when creating a transformation potion for himself he had decided to test them out on his weaker minions. When in his test trials he had noticed that one of his minions had seemed a bit off. So not caring at all what would happen to it, he decided to test his potion on this minion. The minion started to grow and get stronger. Not knowing what to do at this point, Oryx had no choice but to just sit and watch what would happen. Then all of a sudden, a wave of light had covered the room. Screaming and crying for help the minion had been given a snake like body. Her long thick hair had turned into Snakes. Her skin had turned into rough scales, and her legs had joined together to make what she has, a tail. Oryx had been surprised so he had put her through intense training and named her Medusa. So thinking she would be of great usage Oryx had sent out Medusa to the god lands to stop the humans from spoiling his plan.

By Matovent

Crystal Prisoner

The Crystal Prisoner is a true rebel towards Oryx The Mad God. The prisoner was outrageously frightening to a lot of enemies across Oryx’s realms and at the time the “Crystal Criminal”. The Crystal Criminal was a master thief and assassin. He could not be caught and after Oryx gained control among all the realms, the criminal was determined to commit the crime of a lifetime. The criminal was planning a raid to Oryx’s castle which he succeeded and tortured a lot of warriors or oryx. One gave information of where the Wine Cellar is located, Oryx heard word of the crystal criminal coming for him. As the crystal criminal left the castle, the guards constructed layers of walls throughout the castle. When the criminal and his minions arrived, they started looting,and killing. They did not get to far until oryx captured him and tortured him for his misdeeds throughout his life. The criminal was now pronounced the Crystal Prisoner, as he got sent out far into the Lost Lands. His minions and him where trapped inside of an unbreakable crystal made from a lot of his crystal loot that held him for years. He got smarter and smarter though. He now lures his victims in to aid in his jailbreak. Once the crystal is broken, he releases his minions and battles you, in reward for aiding him in his grand escape…

By Ausii

Stheno the Snake Queen and Medusa

During Oryx’s travels, he came across an unusual sight. There were two beautiful women with the body of a snake. Oryx was about to introduce himself to them and maybe ask them to dinner, when all of a sudden they turned around and sent their piercing glares towards Oryx. The women, according to legend, tried to turn Oryx into stone but Oryx was too much of a God to be transformed so eaily. Oryx was outraged that they would try such a thing to a God like himself. So he overpowered them and sent Medusa, the greater sibling, into the godlands and threw Stheno into a pit guarded by various and assorted minor gods. Stheno was angered that Oryx believed Medusa was better than her. So, Stheno reproduced snakes of all shapes and sizes from herself and scattered them throughout the pit. Oryx was intrigued at this anger, so he turned the pit into a full dungeon and gave Stheno potions to raise her Speed. Stheno thought she was getting recognition, so she dubbed herself the Snake Queen and called forth the “viper angels” (the winged things that fly around her) to guard her and crush the puny warriors. The angels were so weak, they amused Oryx all the more.

By Dofakiin

Ent Gods and Ancients

After defeating the sumo master, Oryx asked him to teach him the ancient art of bonsai. Oryx found this an amusing pastime, and mastered the lives of tiny trees. With his Godlike powers, however, Oryx could not only bring the trees into sentience, but also cause them to serve him. He did not stop with tiny miniature trees, but eventually moved on to bring the spark of sentience into the most ancient and powerful of mighty oaks, redwoods, willows and sycamores. These ‘Ent Ancients’ who have slept since the dawn of the realm have awakened, and they are ripe with vengeance upon the humans, who they consider ‘usurpers’. To them, human lifetimes are mere seconds. No axe can fell these forces of nature (luckily no class uses axes). Their saplings surround them, and protect them from harm as a moving wooden wall. When their forests are destroyed around them, Ents uproot themselves and terrorize the godlands as vengeful ‘Ent Gods,’ fighting fire with fire. To them, humans are mere finger food to be munched and ground into a pulp in their large, woody stomachs.

By DelttaDude

God of the Realm

In the time of the old gods, humans were used as slaves and food in the gods’ kingdoms. The gods would throw bolts of energy at the humans for amusement, they would throw them into the Novark, the ancient kingdom of beasts, for even the slightest wrongdoing. As a group of humans were cleaning the storage room, one of them knocked over a bag, its contents spilling out over the floor. In the bag, they found magic rings, spells, staffs, wands, shields, armor, knives, swords, poisons, and a certain powder they could not identify. The dust spread across the air with a certain electricity, leaving no dark corner untouched. The golden powder flew into the mouths of the humans, creating the first known members of the Order of Magic. The world’s first Warrior, Knight, Priest, Archer, Huntress, Mystic, Wizard, Necromancer, Rogue, Assassin, Trickster, Paladin and Sorcerer were born. They decided it was time to let the humans loose of their own free will. They all took the rings and poisons and weapons accordingly, and set to work using their combined powers to create a place where humans could be unwatched by the gods, untouched by the gods, completely safe from the gods. The Nexus was born. However, an evil magic was also in that bag that was unknown to the Order of Magic. When the bag spilled open, it created the Realm. Portals began dotting the Nexus, portals to the Realm. One, and only one, appeared in that room the Order of Magic was founded. The Necromancer’s wife had been killed by the gods, and he dearly wanted revenge. He called the Order together to an attack on the 13 gods that ruled the ancient kingdom. The gods saw the humans marching through the door to the thrones, and terror spread across their faces. The head god opened the portal to the Novark, but the Order’s strong will kept them from sliding into that pit of despair, where no one could come back. As the forces of the Order and the gods clashed, the Necromancer’s daughter, curious of the sounds, crept into the Throne Room. The Necromancer had just enough time to watch as his daughter slipped into the Novark, last for all time and eternity. In a sudden rage, he blasted the entire room with a force so powerful, so horrific, it tore through the very walls of the kingdom, bringing an Army of the Dead to the attack. The gods saw that the battle could not be won by their forces, and were vanquished by the Order and the Army of the Dead. The Necromancer tried in bringing back his daughter and wife, but even his great power could not reach to the Novark. Years passed, in which the Necromancer silently blamed the rest of the Order for his daughter’s death. He waited. And waited. And waited. And then he struck the Order with an Army of the Dead. As they were killed off, one by one, the secret to their power, the golden dust, spread throughout the castle and reached the other humans. They each took after one of the Order, and a portal to the Nexus was opened. They stepped through it before the Armies of the Dead could get to it. The portal was sealed off, and no one could reach the Nexus from the kingdom. The Necromancer sent his Army of the Dead and many other Dark creatures out to find the humans. As the monsters patrolled the Realm, the humans, the new Order of Magic, knew that they must destroy that Evil, even at the cost of their lives. So they sent out, destroying the Dark creatures by day, and resting by night. The Necromancer was always watching. Waiting. Waiting for the right moment of attack. But that did not stop him from declaring himself Oryx, God of the Realm.

By TStarr

Archdemon Malphas and Medusa

Ever wonder why in the world the Medusa drops the portal to the Abyss where Malphas resides, but not, say, the Red Demon? This is explained in a tragic tale…

Shortly after Oryx created the realm, Malphas, then a human, met the lovely snake sisters Stheno and Medusa. He fell in love with the two girls immediately, and took him to his sacred world, the Abyss. There, they were alone. Malphas had kept the abyss in great condition. Although it was undeniably hot, with magma flowing about, he had managed to furnish bridges for walking on. Great, fantastic bridges. He even had created statues of gold, simply for aesthetics. The demons guarded them from unexpected passerby’s, and if they failed… well, I will not delve into that.

Malphas, despite his claimed, loved Stheno more than Medusa. To him, Stheno seemed more likeable. More pizzaz, more charisma. And, most undeniably, she was much more beautiful. However, Stheno did not see anything in Malphas. It was Medusa, who loved him.

Their meetings did not last. In fact, their love could not last. Oryx grew furious that none of the trio were managing to keeping down the population of heroes. When he soon learned why, he hatched a plan, and one day, while Malphas, Stheno, and Medusa were in the Abyss, he transformed Malphas into a horrid demon. Stheno fled immediately in terror. Unwilling to bear with Malphas’ new terrifying looks, she permanently sealed herself into a pit, far far away.

The heartbroken Malphas searched all over the realm for her, but to no avail. This, obviously, lead to Medusa becoming miserable, for who could bear seeing their love search all over the world for their sister? Medusa persuaded Malphas to give up, and he reluctantly did. Still wishing to maintain his companionship with Medusa, he left her the only passage to his lair. She agreed to keep the key. Malphas permanently locked himself in the Abyss, while Medusa went out to the realm. When Medusa left though, Oryx split her soul in two, leaving the soul of love frozen in a crystal while leaving the other, blood-thirsty side, in Medusa. No longer able to feel emotion other than a lust for blood, she now pursues adventurers for their heads.

As for Malphas? As for time passed, he fell in love with Medusa, who he now realized she would’ve loved him no matter what happened. He could not leave the abyss though. Who would care for his demons? As his misery grew however, his lair fell in disrepair. The lava bridges crumpled, and, out of sheer boredom, Malphas turned the golden statues into monstrosities that fought for him. He didn’t even bother cleaning up the bones and skull that lay about.

Despite everything that changed about her though, Medusa still retains the key that leads to the Abyss, the home of her former lover. And when someone climbs down the steps, Malphas knows something is wrong, and he prepares to kill the same person that has taken out his love… or to join her in death.

By Doomgi

The Crystal Prisoner

Whatever Oryx had feared in the crystal prisoner, it was enough of a fear that caused much turmoil in the god’s heart. With 5 elder gods slain by his powerful blade at the time, fear was not something he was accustomed to. As the story is told, once the mad god himself had conquered the Tlatoani’s realm, he had begun to take the beings from other realms and force them into his, as food for his staring minions. One realm had a “pest problem” of it’s own. The races there had grown tough, and were the first to resist the mad god’s minions.

But only for so long.

Story told that the crystal prisoner that fed on the souls of anything that he could lay his eyes on. He had minions to bring him whatever weak creatures strayed away from the safety of camp. He did the dirty work.

In a violent rage, he had come to oryx as a shade. Whatever he had done in the mad god’s castle, it had done irreparable harm. Oryx let the Prisoner consume and destroy much of his army. The dead bodies of constructs and medusas littered the God Lands.

The Crystal Prisoner was a cocky demon. He thought that Oryx was an easy god to manipulate.

The Crystal Prisoner heard of Malphas’ challenge by word of his minions. “The demon challenges you to a battle to the death!” The crystal Prisoner knew just how easy this challenge would be. Entering Malphas’ demon cave, he crushed the demon without mercy. Nothing of the demon was left.

But the Prisoner could not leave. He was locked in. No escape. And suddenly Oryx’s plan unfolded in his mind, and he himself was horrified.

He had killed only a weak clone of Malphas, and stuck in this lava pit, he was at the mercy of the god he had just seconds ago had him by the throat.

And over millenia, the pit turned crystal, and the Crystal Prisoner had finally earned his name.

Phoenix Gaming

Medusa and Stheno

One day, Oryx was strolling along when he found that two pirate women (Who happened to be named Medusa and Stheno) had suddenly gone bald. He decided to put snakes on their heads for hair and he gave them incredible magical powers.

By Makse1


Near the beginning of his reign, he decided he needed very deadly, omniscient creatures. To conserve his reagents, he took a single huge eye from a fallen soldier of his. With this, he combined snake tails, and a huge carapace. He cast a revival spell on this mess, and thus the omniscient being was born. “Unto you, the name Beholder shall be given.” It replied through his mind: “Where shall I reside, and who shalt exist by thy side, Master?” “A land destroyed by fiery rain, and demonic plagues. Here you shall destroy the light within countless Warriors.”

By matrixcode


The constructs (wood, stone, and steel) were originally created by sorcerers and other magical heroes, formed as battle mechs to conquer Oryx. The wood construct, made by the wizard with help from the huntress, was made as a medical creature, healing in tremendous proportions. The stone construct, made by the mystic with help from the soldier, was a fighter, bashing through all that got in it’s way. The steel construct, made by the sorcerer with help from the knight, was made as a protector, a shield to deflect the strikes from enemies. But before every successes, there is a failure. This failure was the original construct. He decided that he had no means to follow humans. He then betrayed his purposes and joined Oryx. He was then taken over by the undead dwarf king, controlling him within the machine. Soon the other constructs realized they did not have to be machines of serving either. They revolted, killing many innocent civilians in the process. Oryx somehow got a hold of them, and learned how to reproduce them, not as protectors, but as murderers.