Stuff it's taken me years to notice


It’s a bit of a stretch, but there is some resemblance here (Star Trek Gorn)


6 posts were split to a new topic: Who needs a title anyway


Only recently noticed the stone guardians have different color horns, always thought they were identical


me with a bad roll:


Is there proof for this? I’m not gonna comment until I know.

Didn’t really take years to notice, but it somehow completely went under my radar that you could buy weapons and abilities for fame in the Nexus until quite recently. I guess I forgot somehow.


(That was actually more recent, don’t worry)


o my

poor fella


Did it ever occur to you that the name “boots on the ground” makes no sense? The only way you can move without removing at least one of your boots from the ground is by magically teleporting instead of walking.



Shuffle the feet :slight_smile:


This just occurred to me the other day and forgot to share this here, but it took me a couple years to notice how and when realm is about to go to Oryx. I thought Oryx’s “I WILL SUFFER NO MORE OF YOUR IMPUDENCE! I HAVE CLOSED THIS REALM! YOU WILL NOT LIVE TO SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY!” just happened randomly. I started this game in 2011, and I can’t really remember whether it was 2012 or 2013, but I remember asking a guildmate “why do you want us to go to the ents and liches?”, and they replied “to close the realm”, and they had to explain to me that the quests have to be completed in order to close a realm. I’m not sure whether I had an orange star or a red star. But, yeah… I spent a long time being a newb, not knowing things, because I never paid attention to RotMG news and only played casually for about an hour a day.

this is already a year into playing this game :sweat_smile:


It took me forever to learn how to teleport to people from the chat. I remember seeing talwar do it but I was so stumped on how to do it myself.
For clarification I mean how to bring up the options to teleport, whisper, etc.


I originally thought the yellow dots were enemies, and never bothered clicking on them to see what it would do. I was pretty dumb 2 years ago when I start. I only discovered how to teleport back in March :laughing:


Given the game doesn’t explain any of this to you when you start out, I wouldn’t worry too much about it.



smh exact same sprite with different palette


Just wait until you learn about the higher tiered weapons…


ST apparently stands for “set tier,” and not “special themed.”


What? I thought it was the other way around.


i used to think it meant special thing


but the…
the wiki says…
it says…
special themed…
