Stupid Bans?


@moderators this post can probably be closed now.


[For reference sake, I only do the “close on demand” thing when it’s the OP requesting the close (other mods are free to disagree). It’s best to just let the thread die a slow natural death. OB]

sorry wasn’t requesting a close just thought it could do for one seeing as though nothing good is coming from it.

The General Chat Thread

I always wondered though…
Is using /teleport in a bazzar bannable?


dont think so but idk


Nice witchhunt :slight_smile:


not really a witchhunt. witchhunt is looking for haxors and such and also actively promoting that one is a haxor/cheater/exploiter. You aren’t either of those unless you actually are a haxor but we all perceive you as a troll.


Don’t really care but alright. Luckily I’m not breaking any rules and won’t be anytime soon. You’ll be seeing me for a little while :wink:


i dont really like you but I will have to accept you as a community member
also this is really getting off-topic lmao
edit: why was this flagged? its me telling zlushy that i dont like him personally, but i will accept him as a community member, nothing inappropriate.
also that would mark it as my first flagged post rip


Not my problem, didn’t start it. I just thought that Faming Train is basically bad and a lot of butt hurt white starts starting witch-hunting. :c


Gee, ever heard of secondary accounts? :joy: lelxd


Define what a hack or an exploit to the game is, and then tell me, logically, how fame-farming fits the definition.


exploit: make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource).

The excess spawn of the gods spawning in the Glands is taken advantage of for players to gather in groups and one with OP gear kills the gods while the others profit off of free fame. They are able to create guilds, fuse pets, buy pets yards, and much more with this fame, although they took little to no effort to kill these gods.



What is this for? Its just a quote and does nothing…
But what is this for? its just pointing out that the reply above it is doing nothing right now
But what was that for? its just pointing out that this reply is pointing out that the reply above it is doing nothing right now
But what was that for? its just pointing out that this reply is pointing out that this reply is pointing out that the reply above it is doing nothing right now
Goes into infinity and beyond


Why does this bother you?


It doesn’t, it just shouldn’t be allowed


Lucky it wasn’t like 3 months, Lmao.


MrEyeBall is watching you. Lmao


TBH Remove The close Button :slight_smile: lmao fixed.


/teleport is not ban-able its in the game.


Remove Fame. Fixed. Remove Close button. Fixed. Remove Chat option. Fixed. Remove Teleport. Fixed. Remove Nexus. Fixed. Removed Gears. Fixed. Removed Realm. Fixed.