

Hello fellow gamers! this is my first time here and first of all sorry for bad english :frowning:

In order to give more emotion to this game and more options to improve your experience, How about to implement a sub-class thing in this game?.

Imagine the chance to be a warrior-pally and boost your DPS like hell. Or being a super archer-wizzy and be able to hit your spellbomb perfectly thanks to your quiver shot. Do you imagine a freaking ppe Knight with a tome? he would be inmortal

This idea would give more dynamic to the game imo. bc there are some classes that ppl avoid for being less atractive to play, like our new sam boi, but u can give a chance to shine giving him a second skill like a skull or shuriken.

But u can think: “dude some classes would be broken, like a knight + prot gg ez” . Fear not my fellas, there would be some restrictions to avoid these cases.

  • Second class only will give you an ability slot. No weapon

  • Second class ability only for tiered items.

  • No Wis-mod on second class ability

if you like this idea, support to make it real in some future (after Unity port). And any feedback will be well recieved.



So a knight that heals itself for at least 200 damage or a warrior with speedy boost and pally buff is somehow not broken by your standards?

Sorry to break it to you pal but even the most supported ideas on this forum haven’t come close to being added to the game. This is something that is just way too overpowered. No one would ever use the original classes by themselves and DECA will never add this.


it happens in a party btw


What does that mean


I’m imagining a rogue: fast, invisible and armed with a shield capable of stunning the enemy.
A samurai with a spell, lowering enemy defense to then take them out in one hit with a spellbomb.
A knight with the ability to teleport right next to a boss to stun them.
A ninja with an orb to stasis their enemies while they stack void blade shots.
A huntress armed with a quiver so that they would finally be useful.

This idea definitely sounds overpowered.


yeah i didnt think in those cases, but they would be op on low difficult bosses. High difficult bosses are inmune to almost all debuff that u mentioned.


Yes, but completely breaking early game with a few specific options (which the community would definitely find and exploit) probably shouldn’t be justified by saying that endgame content won’t be hit as hard.


how about being at least 6/8 to activate this feature?
In a future, when end game content will be harder than void or mbc, would you like this idea in the game?


I don’t know how the idea would age as endgame content progresses, but atm I can’t see it being realistically implemented without some large changes. Class abilities are specially tailored to that specific class, and adding in other ones usually results in a new kind of power that the class wasn’t balanced around. (A rogue is relatively squishy to balance out the power of his cloak to allow him to avoid damage. A knight is very, very tanky, so the ability to go invisible would result in a completely unbalanced scenario where the character basically wouldn’t have to dodge.)


I feel like RoTMG would feel more like a certain pserver with this. I also feel like this, if implemented, would be outrageously glitchy and would remove the purpose of a lot of classes.




you’ll be surprised, something on this forum is getting coded right as we speak :wink:
(I know something that I shouldn’t)


Let me guess…




That would just be an archer :thinking:


As stated earlier, this could easily nullify classes.
On top of that, although this point stands

a Warrior with a Seal does not care about inflicting status effects on enemies.

There are reasons why classes have differing stat caps (usually - cough Huntress & Archer cough) that are tailored to cooperate well with their abilities.
Knight has to go in close to land a Stun, so he has loads of defense and health; Rogue needs to be quick on his feet, but mustn’t deal too much damage, so his speed is high, but his attack is low; Priest isn’t supposed to deal massive damage and is more focused on ability usage, so his attack and dexterity are low, while his wisdom and MP are high.


Why not make sub-classes come from SB white bag consumables found only from the bosses of Shatts, Nest, and LH, with a different consumable for each class




the only way a subclass could work is if they made specilized things for each class. would be better also as just a straight upgrade instead of having an item, like having you to complete this quest thing to class advance or whatever

like knight can have 3 paths

1- juggernaut - +2/3 def
2- defender - +2/3 spd
3- Brawler - +30 hp

stuff like that. maybe a different class for each of those, if you want to get juggernaut path you have to complete some defensive test, defender you have to do dodging test etc.


shit i just got r/wooooshed