Survey Follow-Up


Shut. I mean’t to put jinxere not jinxer1 xD
I have to say. I came up with the most original name. Jackson Swiss :cool: kid


“My name is Curlip thank”


submitted wheres me itenz


I think I got in? Well again good luck with life mate. Just know that the CBow i got was gone after a week and that this will be a bad investment of your life literally and virtually and both the mental state and the item.


Damn I’m late lol


Wow uh… you asked people to do a survey and then release all the names… No, not ok

Shat Ter…


Submitted, i like your idea^^




Are you taking biology or something?


yea i know only this


Yeah I’m taking AP bio


I just wanted everyone to see how bad their fake names were :joy:

Sorry dad :frowning:


With many real names mixed into the bunch




I’m like 30th right?
Edit: O never mind I’m like 15th


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