Survey: personality test


For Math class I have to conduct a survey to learn about relative frequency and I cant talk to people in the real world
the link for the test is here if you don’t already know yours

  • Introvert
  • Extrovert

0 voters

  • Feeling
  • Thinking

0 voters

  • Sensing
  • Intuitive

0 voters

  • Judging
  • Percieving

0 voters

Also, I’m interested to see how this goes so I will leave it up for a while.
######i got INTP. Weird.

Your personality
MBTI Personality type thread II
[Forum Game] Paste whatever's on your clipboard!
List of entertaining threads


That is ISTP.



Please use the poll please???
And @Shatter


Done :3




Same yay


Why is extrovert even an option here?


Seems like I have the “The Advocate” type, which apparently is rare. Cool.





^ i laughed at this. I was gennerally like “wow, this is accurate”



A few years ago my results were the Mediator, INFP-A. I decided I’d take the test again and to my surprise I am now the Logician, INTP-A.

In those few years I managed to drop the feeling aspect of the nature. (third letter)
I suppose it’s an improvement.


what does prospecting and judging mean?

ohnvm found it

[details=prospect vs.judging]


what is energy (intu/observ)

apparently we are only 4% of the population but thereseem to be quite a few of us on the forums



I question myself sometimes on how this is possible.


I got INTJ-T.

I feel like there’s a political joke in this.