Suspected mishandling by Deca Support


As this is going to be a very long post, I’ve just went ahead and put a tl;dr right at the beginning of it, so if you don’t want to read the whole post you can still get the gist of it.

tl;dr: I suspect that Support has banned a player without concrete proof. If my suspicions are correct, this sets a precedence that any legitimate player can get banned if someone else wants them banned enough through the incredibly trivial means detailed in this post. Deca Support should not be accepting this sort of proof to begin with to ban an account, so this is inexcusable.

I’m not going to name any names in this post. I don’t think the names should be the main focus, and I don’t want to paint this as an “us vs them” scenario because this is really not the problem here. I’ll use “Player B” to refer to the individual in question who was banned, for the sake of writing clarity.
If you believe the player in question was guilty, that’s OK. If you believe the player in question wasn’t guilty, that’s also OK. That isn’t the problem.
The problem is that if my suspicions are correct, Deca Support has taken “proof” that should not be seen as concrete by any means and used it to ban someone from the game. Whether or not the person was in fact cheating is irrelevant, because Deca Support should only be banning people on what can be considered concrete proof to avoid falsely banning innocent players. Even if you believe that the person was cheating, the next person to be hit by a ban through a scenario similar to this might not be.

Let’s run through what I’ve observed happening in the past few days.

Someone accused Player B of hacking. They have made accusations in the past against Player B. The proof given to accuse Player B of hacking has not changed since the last time I’ve seen it.
There are a few clips that accuse Player B of autonexusing (Player B nexusing whenever they are in acute danger and will likely die within less than a second), and what looks like Player B taking a screenshot of themselves on a hacked client.

This is not concrete proof. I would not accept this as proof of hacks. Another Discord server also did not accept this as proof of hacks. Why?
It’s very difficult to prove someone is hacking because of an autonexus clip. This is because we can always give the benefit of the doubt on the player who is nexusing. They may have nexused legitimately at just the right time. To ban someone off of an autonexus clip would be rolling the dice on if a legitimate player or a hacker is being banned, because both are possible explanations for what is seen.
The only way I know of to confirm that a suspected autonexus is an actual autonexus is to have ally damage text on. The player is cheating if they take the lethal damage in the same frame that they nexused. There is no other explanation in that case. A nexus without seeing the lethal damage in the same frame can still be an autonexus, but in this case there are still other potential explanations (such as, as I’ve stated earlier, a very lucky nexus). Given that nexusing sees very common use as a gameplay mechanic, very possible to get lucky on, and very rewarding for the player to do if they are in a pinch (it saves their character!), it is not reasonable to base bans off of perceived autonexus unless one can see that lethal damage was taken in the same frame the nexus occurred.
None of the clips I have seen have had ally damage text on, so we do not know if Player B received the damage in the same frame he nexused. Therefore, Player B in those clips could be playing legitimately, and we do not have conclusive proof that he must be cheating. Ways to prove conclusively that someone is cheating range from recordings of autoaim to “/follow” to the Etherite Dagger shots not going back and forth but shooting in a straight line consistently. Autonexus is generally not one of them.

What about the screenshot?
To begin with, Deca Support does not take screenshot evidence, so I don’t believe it was related to the ban that occurred at all (wait, a ban? no worries, I’ll explain that in a bit).
If someone claims that their in-game account is [name1] (either through verification on a Realm-related Discord server or through other means), and they post a screenshot containing hacks in which their in-game name is [name1], we can reasonably assume that [name1] is cheating. Of course, someone could just be pretending to be [name1] on Discord, which I assume would be the reason Deca Support does not accept such evidence when it comes to banning a player.
However, in the situation we have here, someone claims that their in-game account is [name2]. They post a screenshot containing hacks in which their in-game name is [name1], and then claim that [name1] as well as the Discord account associated to [name1] is cheating. This does not logically follow.
Basically, that’s a more convoluted way of saying “if we don’t see that the person being accused of hacking posted that screenshot themselves, how do we know it is not photoshopped or otherwise spoofed? How can we know the individual took the screenshot themselves and thus were cheating?”

So, there was some drama within the specific Discord server this occurred on. That’s fine. I wouldn’t be too concerned if all that was being thrown around was just very rude and immature words. Even though the people claiming that Player B was cheating kind of bought a decently-sized Realm-related Discord server from its owner then absolutely trashed it with NSFW and everyone pings while using it as a platform to claim that Player B hacks.
Just saying, acting like children is not a great way to logically convince people of your position. But while it may be annoying, that’s still besides the point. Player B knows whether or not they themselves are hacking, and for everyone else, unless concrete proof comes out to prove Player B truly was hacking, nothing can be done and life moves on.

Except Player B got banned from the game. This is figuratively where I put down my newspaper and the laughter in the room stops. Something doesn’t seem right here.
The facts are that unless there was concrete proof that I have not seen posted that was submitted to Deca, Deca must have taken one of the autonexus clips as sufficient proof to ban a player.
It’s possible that actual concrete proof was submitted.
However, I suspect this is not the case. I admit that I could be wrong with my suspicions, in which case Deca Support has not done anything wrong and I now have egg on my face. Why I suspect this is not the case is that the players who have accused Player B of hacking have every reason to post the most convincing evidence they have against Player B. They have reposted the autonexus clips and the screenshot (there’s another screenshot too, but that one holds up even worse to scrutiny given there’s an Attack Far shot from a pet in the screenshot, Player B does not use a pet with Attack Far, and no other player in the screenshot is firing which implies ally projectiles are turned off so it isn’t likely to be another player’s pet) multiple times. They are adamant that Player B is cheating and want to convince everyone that this is the case, to the point where an entire Realm-related Discord was bought out and trashed for this purpose.
But then, where is the concrete proof? If they had the proof and they posted it, they would convince even more players that Player B is actually cheating. There is no reason the people claiming Player B hacks would be hiding the proof if it exists. They are even using the fact that Player B was banned by Deca to support their argument, so why would they not share the stronger proof they would have used to get Player B banned as the icing on the cake?
I hope you can understand why I suspect Deca has done something wrong here, even if my suspicions turn out to be incorrect.

My suspicion is that Deca used one of the autonexus clips as proof that Player B was hacking. This sets an absolutely terrible precedence. It means that anyone can record anyone else pulling off a lucky nexus and get them banned, even if the person being recorded is a legitimate player.
Deca should only be accepting concrete proof when it comes to banning players. I understand that Deca wants to crack down on cheaters. This is doable without potentially banning innocents. There are more conclusive forms of proof, the ones I have detailed earlier on in the post, that I know Deca is aware of.
If you are banning innocents in the crossfire, you are only undermining your goal of cracking down on cheaters, because you are sending the message that it doesn’t matter whether you hack or not because you could get banned either way. Cheaters who thrive on trolling or hurting others will get a kick out of this as well, because now it’s a “if I burn, you burn with us” scenario.
It also seems like it’s jumping from one extreme to the other (going from the situations described in Sebchoof’s video on hackers where notorious cheaters with ample proof were not banned, to banning people on very flimsy evidence), and that’s a slap in the face to the community as a whole.

I really want to hope that I am just mistaken and Deca did go through all the proper procedures before banning this player. However, my suspicions are convincing me that this was not the case. I don’t really expect an official answer, I’m not even the person who got banned!
I just tend to express my grievances when I am upset and I hope that in the case that a mistake did happen, that it is corrected and that it will not happen again in the future.
I don’t mean any harm; I just want to call out what I perceive as injustice rather than staying silent.
In the case that I am mistaken, I hope that it is understandable why I came to the conclusions I did.

In the case that I am not mistaken, I personally don’t want to play a game where I can play completely legitimately and be slapped with a 2 week involuntary vacation from the game just because I made my own heart rate go up because I played stupidly and managed to save myself just in the nick of time, but someone was recording me play.

This last third of the post was written rather in a rush due to time constraints, sorry if it is less understandable or harder to follow.
I’m open to discuss anything I’ve mentioned, if it doesn’t seem to make sense I can try to explain it a bit better.


How about instead of posting here, ask DECA exactly why person A was banned. First and foremost, realmeye is not associated with DECA and even if there was a mistake, there is literally nothing we can do about it. Secondly, you have no idea why DECA banned person A. Your assumption is that person A was banned because of those auto-nexusing clips. However, you have no idea what other evidence may have existed.

However, even if that was all the evidence there was, I believe that that much evidence is enough to ban. There will never be conclusive evidence of hacking UNLESS the hacker takes a video of their own hacked client. In other words, if there were multiple videos of this individual “auto-nexusing” and a “supposed picture” of the person’s hacked client, that should be enough evidence to at least temp ban them. Otherwise, no one can be banned for using hacked client because almost anything could be blamed on luck or hella lagg.

Also, a single picture of a person on a hacked client is a bannable offense on most discords. Exceptions are generally filled with hackers anyway… (note: not all servers and I will note that this is only based off of discords I am part of.)


I am glad they are at least doing something about it now. Wanting anti cheat to be introduced sometime around unity to prevent this sort of stuff from happening but I won’t get my hopes up


I said in my post that I’m not looking for an official answer from Deca, and that isn’t the point of my post to begin with. The point of my post is to call out something Deca Support may possibly be doing and have people aware of it. If you personally do not care or it doesn’t affect you, that’s fine. But I think at least some people might want to know that they could be banned even if they never did anything wrong.
Additionally, I don’t believe that, even if I did approach Deca asking about the situation, I’d get any sort of proper answer to begin with.

I said in my post that I am aware that I may be mistaken, and other proof may have existed, and if so then that is my bad. I also dedicated approximately an entire paragraph (not quite a complete paragraph as it was split across two) to explaining why I have formulated my suspicions.
Once again, I still ask: if the group of people hellbent on getting Player B known as a cheater have better proof, why have they not shared it to further their goal?

I’m not quite sure you understand what I meant when I said there were more conclusive ways to prove someone is cheating. I do think that inherently, there may always be some uncertainty on whether or not someone is cheating. Someone could just be flicking their shots perfectly and be accused of autoaim; someone could be pretending to /follow as a joke; someone could be moving their mouse back and forth in such a manner that it simulates shooting in a straight line on a weapon that inherently has wavering shots.
However, I would say with confidence that with good enough recordings of these three, the margin of error is very slim. It’s much more unlikely that someone was playing their heart out in the godlands while happening to perfectly 180 to annihilate a harmless highlands enemy that just happened to walk into their range. It’s much more unlikely that someone was lucky enough to land exactly on the person they were following over the course of a minute and never overshooting their movements. It’s much more unlikely that someone managed to keep up perfect motion to keep etherite shots perfectly straight for several seconds straight without any falter.
It’s a lot more likely that in the span of one’s playtime in the game, they get into at least one close call regarding nexusing.
It is absolutely inappropriate to use any screenshot evidence as grounds for helping prove someone cheats. If what you imply is actually the case, if I really wanted someone banned I could open up an image editing program of choice, edit in some hacked client features into a normal screenshot from that player, submit that as part of the report, and it would actually increase the chances of that person getting banned regardless of whether or not the actual video evidence said anything. There is good reason that Deca does not take screenshot evidence.
Keep in mind that we aren’t talking about a Discord server, we are talking about the actual game, where people spend hundreds of dollars building up one account and so you’d better have a damn good reason to give someone their first strike with a “three strike and you’re out” policy.
With all due respect, I am incredibly glad that you are not on the Deca Support team.

I am an admin on the official RotMG Discord and the RotMG Discord has a strict policy on violations of Deca ToS. Player B was not banned on the Discord because the clips were not conclusive and the image was not posted by Player B’s Discord account in question. I will quote from my own OP:

Basically, that’s a more convoluted way of saying “if we don’t see that the person being accused of hacking posted that screenshot themselves, how do we know it is not photoshopped or otherwise spoofed? How can we know the individual took the screenshot themselves and thus were cheating?”

Spooky Boi Central similarly has a strict policy against hackers. They also did not ban Player B because they also saw the evidence as inconclusive.

In general, banning a Discord account that has posted a screenshot of themselves using hacks is understandable. Banning a Discord account that has not posted a screenshot of hacks because some other Discord account has posted a screenshot of hacks does not make any logical sense and is a great way to open up opportunities to trolls.

I do appreciate that Deca seems to be cracking down more on cheaters in general. However, they can do this easily without potentially catching innocents in the crossfire. I don’t see what happened to Player B as excusable, and I see it as easily avoidable.
They do also have plans for anti-cheat measures in Unity. That will make the situation a lot better.


lol i got banned last year for autoaiming…set a precedence smh. but at least i got unbanned! (unlike a certain…)


As in: I didn’t actually hack lol and got banned by my own video. It was the obs offset cursor bug and deca banned me because of “autoaiming” xD hence why it’s no precedence at all, deca’s been doing this for a while


Hey look! heres me autonexusing

You think that would have got me banned if I hadn’t been recording but someone else had? I think so. Deca really doesn’t understand their own game and are definitely gonna false ban sometimes. I guess all you can do is record as often as possible so you have counter-proof if someone accuses you of something false :woman_shrugging:

(Or you can just quit and not have to worry about this shitty constantly hackusating community anymore)


Wait… so we don’t do anything against the majority of hackers? What you’re saying is that unless they’re doing something stupidly obvious, which the majority of hackers probably aren’t going to do, they’re safe.

@Cutie I see your point. However, there were, at least as referenced in the original comment, MULTIPLE videos along with a picture of him on a hacked client. Also, how does that at all look like a auto nexus… If I see a commander sit on me, I’m out


On the subject there is a handful of people who specialize in framing people for hacking, it goes so far as having where they use the name of the person they wanted banned on a private server and get other people along to record them hacking. As far as I know if someone were to do that and have you shooting through a wall idk how you could defend yourself and not get banned.


Yes, because you don’t know. You don’t know what evidence DECA has. Not only evidence sent to them, possibly from multiple sources so in addition to whatever you have seen, but evidence from the game that only they have access to. There is also the communication with the player, which the player might share, or share only selectively, or even distorted – this has happened before.

And you are “not going to name any names” because…

You imply the evidence you have viewed is public. If it is you could link to it so we could make up our own minds. Instead we have your vague and pseudonymous accusations, which as far as anyone can tell from your post could be partly or wholly made up. It’s honestly hard to follow from your wall of text, but that too could be a deliberate attempt to confuse the matter, not make a clear strong case.


Why do most players with top characters have their realmeye private?
It’s because there are certain individuals that will try to frame other top players and knock them off the leaderboards.


Exactly – this actor/observer difference is the root of why 99% of autonexus accusations are refutable and naive. This is further exacerbated by lag, and lack of game knowledge.

To clarify, it’s easy to point fingers at someone who looks to have autonexused, but once you imagine yourself in that same situation, it is as easy to explain the behaviour without needing cheats.

It is of utmost importance to prevent the conviction of an innocent player. For that reason, DECA should avoid justifying any of their bans using autonexus “evidence”; even in rare exceptions, the footage should be heavily reviewed and discussed among experienced players. I don’t think the case in question is one of those rare exceptions.


I think you’ve misread some of my drunken stupor, but there exists situations where doctoring of photos or videos cannot explain, because you can’t fake the server data or administrative tools that DECA holds.

This is why anti-hacking measures are mostly server side in multiplayer games, because the client is never infallible.


But how do we know that DECA didn’t ban this person (mentioned above) based around server side. Secondly, can DECA even do that? Cause right now it looks like they can’t so all they have is client-side


But then what would you suggest they use? Or should they just accept hacking?


Why are you questioning this? I quoted you because you literally helped demonstrate why autonexus evidence is weak.

DECA should accept more obvious evidence like anti-unstable, shooting through walls, or in some cases extensive quality footage of auto aim.


I have said that I am aware that my suspicions could be wrong. I have also stated why I believe in the suspicions I have and I hope that it is understandable why they were formed in the circumstances.
Once again, if there was evidence that was only revealed to Deca Support, then Support themselves have no reason to believe they did anything wrong and they can write me off as just a silly misinformed individual.

No, I said I am not going to name any names because I do not think the names are relevant to what I am trying to express, and I do not want this to be an “us vs them” sort of situation.
The names are not relevant because this would be a cause for concern no matter who was involved in the situation. I want to describe the situation as I see it, and not as “wow this idiot is a Player B supporter we all know Player B hacks now Textbook is on my dumb idiots list” or “you know I always liked/disliked Player B”.

It’s fairly “public” in that the clips have been posted in Spooky Boi Central’s reports channel multiple times, were posted in the Fungal Cavern Discord before it was trashed (there’s a name drop, against my best wishes), and can be easily obtained by PMing certain individuals on the Shatters Discord.
Multiple users here can confirm that what I have described has actually occurred.

As for my wall of text being hard to follow, if you do need any clarification on something I’ve said or feel that I haven’t explained it very strongly, please feel free to point it out and I will try to explain it a bit better. My intention was to make a post that was easy to follow with reasonable explanation.

That was actually one thing I had thought of when I was originally drafting out the post in my mind, but got left out due to forgetfulness plus time constraints.
It is possible that with information Deca has internally, they investigated the player off the suspicions then found that the player was performing actions that could not be explained on a legitimate client anyways.
In that case, I would be completely wrong, and Support has done nothing wrong.

However, I think that it would be a good PR move to announce that they have such capabilities. They announced the presence of the “group of experienced players to help catch cheaters” publicly, solely for PR purposes as I can’t think of any other reason they would need to announce it. It seems like pushing the image that they are able to identify cheaters accurately and effectively is something that Deca wants, so making an announcement along the lines of “due to server backend reworks, our support team can more effectively catch cheating players” would do no harm.
If that were the case, I could reasonably believe that through these server-side checks they did catch illegitimate activity from Player B, and so I could have faith that Player B was banned for a good reason.


Here’s the thing, one recorded instance of “auto-nexus” is not enough for a ban. However, when these instances start adding up, there’s a good reason to be getting suspicious. First off, video of “auto-nexus” don’t generally happen on purpose. It generally happens when you’re taking a video of your own thing and the guy happens to do what appears as an “auto-nexus”. There is a possibility that the person we are talking about was followed everywhere and that every instance in which there was a possible auto-nexus was immediately recorded but I believe that that’s so improbable that it approaches impossible.

Secondly, anti-unstable, auto-aim, and shooting through walls are all not used nearly as extensively as auto-nexus. First off, no intelligent player using a hacked client would use anti-unstable, anti-quiet, anti-stable, anti-slow, anti-paralyze, auto-aim, or shooting through walls. People using hacked clients likely aren’t that stupid (of course there are exceptions). I used to be part of hacking guild and I should know. Auto-nexus is by far the strongest part of most hacked clients. You can use anti’s but the only anti’s used are anti-darkness and anti-confused because neither can be proved. The thing is that the majority of hackers know what they’re doing and aren’t going to be caught except through auto-nexus.


It might just be me but wouldn’t it be more effective if they didn’t announce something like that? When they made the announcement about using experienced players to counter cheaters, it felt more like PR then actually doing something about the problem. If they wanted to eliminate people who had gotten an unfair advantage through hacking, wouldn’t it make more sense to first ban the hackers, and then announce that they were capable of doing such a thing. That way, hackers couldn’t escape by quitting hacked client right after the announcement.


Well, I mean if Player B has posted a screenshot of themselves using a hacked client, I would take that as concrete evidence…

If somebody sends you a screenie of their client and it looks hacked, and it came from them, we can reasonably assume that they are hacking. It could be faked, but assuming its their discord tag, and is legit or came from some forum post then you can assume they’re hacking.

You can’t make that assumption, but I’m pretty sure no weapon in the game has the same projectile as an Attack Far shot as a pet so sure.

I very much doubt Deca would ban someone just because Player A spammed their support email with the same clips. Clips of suspected autonexus are very much not concrete evidence, and that leads me to believe that Deca banned them for some other reason that is unseen to you. You don’t know the full circumstances of his ban, you can’t make assumptions that Deca banned him because of solely player A. Also, if you don’t hack and you aren’t toxic, there’s no reason for people to try and get you banned. Even if someone is witchhunting you, Deca maintains the right to ban you for any reason.

We reserve the right to modify, suspend or discontinue the Deca Service and the licence granted to you in whole or in part at any time, with or without notice. You agree that Deca shall not be liable to you or to any third party for such modification, suspension or discontinuation.

Deca doesn’t have to give a shit about this because this “precedence” you are mentioning already exists. Deca can ban you for any reason according to the ToS.

Side Note

This post reeks of you having some sort of personal connection to Player B. Maybe its your alt or your friend, but honestly from my viewpoint you are seeing two slightly relevant events and chalking it up to causation.