Sword Quest Thread


A chest nice.
Life force.


How hard is the game to get good at (lots of itenz and gud gear)? And how do I play it, what do I need on my laptop?


Not that hard, some time(well a couple months to get into midgame) and some luck, you play it on facebook with a mouse and if this 11 yr old laptop with XP can handle it, yours probably can.
If you do decide to play , add me on FaceBook (Maximus Addray Budiwijaya for my main and Addray Budiwijaya for my alt)
I got my alt to 5th area with some luck, and experience.


Still hasn’t loaded I tried lots of things xD linux trash


It’s a flash game, but boy does it have some good artwork. If you can run realm. This should give you less resistance as it’s not an action game… Just be prepared to lower quality for worst case scenario.


Post a sc of the crash


It’s not a crash, just doesn’t load
The page itself comes up and a popup asking to activate flash but even after I do it still doesn’t work the thing inside the box remains empty


Is your clock up to date?
Still, send a sc please, thanks!


…I don’t know??

I’ll send a screenshot when I get back home on my laptop


H canyon update!


Rank A, phew close one with Sho there.

Lel no flask, coins time



For anyone wanting to join nows the time

Just click the link, 500 tokens, this happens every few weeks.


H canyon lel, Ill probs update when I get intersting



… once again with tokens

Holy Crud, finally!


holy fing f that was a close one tiamats tear was at 1 too, thanksfully repaired




:b:ree I still can’t get in


I think if you click the giveaway link you will get the reward, even is it doesnt open. So can you SC it?


And so it begins


Div Met 3 zoink!