Sword Quest Thread


H canyon update!


Rank A, phew close one with Sho there.

Lel no flask, coins time



For anyone wanting to join nows the time

Just click the link, 500 tokens, this happens every few weeks.


H canyon lel, Ill probs update when I get intersting



… once again with tokens

Holy Crud, finally!


holy fing f that was a close one tiamats tear was at 1 too, thanksfully repaired




:b:ree I still can’t get in


I think if you click the giveaway link you will get the reward, even is it doesnt open. So can you SC it?


And so it begins


Div Met 3 zoink!


Hue hue hue hue





what’s the difference


OH no
Forgot to sc


Get rank s chest
Doesnt contain avengers ashes


Time Hammer


Giveaway here


Div met 4!

And, avengers ashes chest!


Small Update, relic for bronze