Tablet of the King's Avatar Remake


This is simply an aesthetic change to Tablet.


Give a quick word on what you think!

Edit: @BrandonCao made a poll below. Vote if you’d like.


It is literally the same…


little bit of difference but mostly resembles the original xd


Ah, shaded moss…


Stone shades are also slightly different shades and moved around.


More shading yeah, makes it look better.
But what the hell are those lines on the top right for? Is that part of the sprite? Or is that just to show all the colors in the sprite?


Those are the colors and shades used.


Oh, okay. I like it


for comparison with original:image


already there :thinking:


That’s OPs sprite, book just worded it weird.

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0 voters


Like the new one. Old one looks like it has a stripe going through it.


Love the new sprite and almost as important, the profile picture. Giant tittys.


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