Tell us where your name came from!


When I was young, there was a place called ‘Laserquest’. I liked the name so I took it.


Haha, probably tons of laser tag placed called laser quest, we have one in our city too.

Oh yeah, how did i get this name?

Step 1: pretend to be cool.
Step 2: spend copious amounts of time looking at "top X most common prefixes/suffixes "
Step 3: ignore Lucy and take 3 doses of impatience.
Never again!


My name was concieved when I was 6 months old or there abouts. If I didnt like something I would scream slonkers. It was my baby curse word. My dad used it for his stuff a lot so I unnapologetically stole it off him and here I am. Disgusting.


Well, my name is Jonas and the reason for the extra s is that back in the old days when the only password requirement was a minimum of six symbols I just used jonass cuz I was lazy.
And the reason for the Mann part is that I tried registering for some silly online game with the name Jonass, but it was taken so JonassMann was a suggested name.

Creative, I know.

  • UnicornSla
  • Uniqourn

0 voters




Why does everyone call me wafflehead its wafflelead get it right jeez

i liek ze waffle

and lead came from idk where …a game called trove…

and now i suddenly become wafflelead and everyone says wafflehead and i dont kn w what they r talking about

P.S. i totally can grammers and spells


I’ve been wondering how all of you got your names, so I made a thread about it. Post how you got your name below.
I’ll start by saying that I made my name in frustration of all names being taken. I was so pissed that I hit my head to the keyboard. Fweftjfhjs is what came out, and I’ve stuck with it :D.


[Threads merged. OB]



Originally I was WildBudder

I used to be a no-named account until my brother got ahold of it


there goes $10 to have an actual name




Xaklor is the dragon god of light in the mythos my overactive imagination has been piecing together for several years now.

also it sounds awesome and I like it :smiley:


I started typing random stuff until I ended up with Glawi, it seemed nice so I chose it and well, I really like it and I use it for everything else :3



I like to lie on the beach zone. So I made Lyzone.


I smashed my hand on the keyboard, like literally, but my fingers basically hit one line.


It’s a very lengthy and interesting story with tons of plot twists and foreshado… Nah JK.

Months before I made a named account I kept getting steamrolled by headless horsemen. When I made my actual account I wanted a cool fantasy priest name for my cool fantasy priest man. Remembering my great times in godlands as a noobling and I used the name ‘Icky’ in all my cringe inducing minecraft RP’s I just went with ‘Ickabod’. Though that was after trying many combinations of the word goblin with other words that where too long.

(I really like goblins. Not that tolkein shit I’m talking labyrinth puppets and MTG lorwyn cards, you know ACTUAL goblins. If I could time travel back in time to kill one person I would skip over hitler and aim for tolkien. I am genuinely really salty at how people just stick the ‘goblin’ label on fucking orcs all willy nilly thanks to him. Though the goblins in the animated hobbit movies where okay).


I just made it up by putting 2 different words together.


Mine is a pun on Link, Hero of Time from the game Ocarina of Time.


I was 8 years old. I found rocks cool hence i named my character in “Rockya” (it got hacked)
So that’s how it came from. Pretty unique.