Tell us where your profile picture came from!


It was quite good.


I made my by hand.I used colours with meaning behind them, as if my profile picture was a flag. The purple represents royalty, while the white represents honesty. The curved white structure in the middle of my profile is a axe that is hollow. The axe represents the trees, which I would like to protect from Donald Trump’s unenvironmental stance. The axe is hollow, for I have no power over Donald Trump’s actions. The axe-my want to protect the environment-is there, but it is hollow because I have no power to do something about it.


I never watch it actually. all I know about the movie is that is was made in between 2 previous shows/movies/episodes and they added a lot of new characters that were never heard of before. that’s what other people said.


my pic is of my best char ive ever had on any realm pserver or even prod legit
whitebag sorc ftw :smiley:


There are actually 3 kind of people :

  • Saw the movie, loved it and praise it.
  • Saw the movie, didn’t like it.
  • Didn’t see the movie, say it’s bad to make other people rage.


all my friends watched it and they didn’t like it very much


Never guess where my profile pic is from.


The chrome broken image icon. I might add a spider on it to make it seem like it’s on your screen


I got an expo in a lab in a cyan bag and I was like, screw it.


God came to me and gave me this idea.


Mine came from a masterpiece (Don’t Starve)


sees spider
Throws laptop out the window


How does that help getting the spider out?


looked for a while for a pic and then cut it out of an album I found online


I prefer the dressed nudist huntress.


Mine came from this


What is this?


Friend of mine made a drawing for me, and I fucking love it so much I use it almost everywhere

Full thing:


Top-quality art right there!

My picture is a depiction of the famous celebration meme by @StarliAS!


Uh I’m not sure either but it’s from here

It has some great wallpapers