The Achievement Thread


Despite playing for 5 years I finally 8/8’ed everything and got to 2k. next stop 5k.



Congrats! :+1:


Forgot to post this yesterday
(Ignore temporary lack of set)


MLG airhorn barrage intensifies


Look who won a contest again

(600 gold + Mystery ST Chest)

EDIT : Stuff i bought with 600 gold, got pretty lucky with mystery crates


Rate my 3D necro papercraft

Ive got a question or two. What did u hve to do for this contest and how do you create the stuff you turn in?


All the details are here


pub Dammah clear

Think that’s gonna be it for now with my posts cuz I don’t think im getting leucoryx or O3


that reminds me…



I just completed my first o3,

It was fortunately a Leucoryx which is the miniboss that is personally easiest for me and also cleansed alot of the bad players, 9 players remained going into o3 and 9 finished that o3, including me! Thank you SBC <3

Now its just time to get some actual loot…


I finally completed my star collection


Most of the details are in the first sentence btw


I’m finally done.


image 2nd ever character to 2k bf


thats “deebomb” dude!


First ever campaign completion! I didn’t feel like this one was too bad at all. I didn’t even get a chance to play for many of the days of the event (I missed the entire nest event, unfortunately, as well as the O3 event apart from doing 2 minibosses today) and I still managed to finish this up. Now to choose verrry carefully what character to use the set with!


I did it!

I’m just a few dozen assignments behind in school (all due in less than a week :frowning: but if anyone wants to help me, be my guest) but I got my blue hard hat and now I can do my assignments I’ve been unable to do for so long and finally pay attention during online class and not join vc with my guild… until the Halloween event :weary:
The bad thing is, I don’t have any construction armor left… So basically this hard hat will just be a souvenir in my vault unless another reconstruction themed something comes around and I can get myself a piece of construction armor. I did quite a few PPEs during MotMG and I am getting way better at them. I’ve already had 2 that have had 2000 base fame.


thats like actual addiction and shit


Heh heh, does someone need a temporary forums break? :thinking: :upside_down_face:


Well in the middle of the campaign I realized I was actually doing pretty well and I decided I would try and finish this campaign. And I did.