The Achievement Thread


Not to flex or anything but I have even less of a life than you do! Ha!


Are we comparing these now?


Oh god what have I started


mynamerr has 67 days though


Guess you didn’t highlight all the way down…
or at-least most of you


night mode 8)


peasant numbers.


Ahh I see
wait is this a gray?
How about this
What is light black anyways?
Then what is this color background?


Survived my first void attempt

E is my nexus button


1k base on nekro


no starmother SMH

nice necro o.o


First character with 4k base fame.


what is that portal in the middle and what is it


It’s the portal Craig comes out of, it’s not a real portal




hello i have not playes in ages. is that purple thing at the top right a chunk of thanos’ flesh?
edit: nvm i got wooshd


piss star


orange star
thats never had an 8/8 :frowning:


dw 8/8s are hard to get

youll get there eventually


8/8’s are fairly easy to get, with Lost Halls being a thing, but it’s also very easy to die in Lost Halls (considering I’ve never actually lost a good character in halls before, but I lose them in them in the next gl dungeon, probably not so easy) but 8/8s are certainly pretty easy to get nowadays.