The Achievement Thread


Well, have fun :wave:


guys i have a master plan if we post more than 50 times a day @Glawi’s daily like limit wont let him from liking all the posts meaning he will never finish likeing all the posts (until we hit the 10000 reply limit ofc)


Glawi’s going to start making “like” alts then. He will like each post on either his main account or an alt.

Heck, he could start making alts right now and once they have basic level, start liking every single post on the forums.


Achieving book tiered level of alting?


My profile has been viewed 1k times
that’s an achievement I guess hehe heh… óuò’ image


how to do this?


i have 314 :slightly_frowning_face:


I got yellow star today. So that’s nice!


Except my name still says orange star for some reason lol


Log out and in.


Well, that fixed it. Thanks! :slight_smile:


we need to just have an automated response for that


Yes. You have no idea how smart you are.


This may or may not be a fake white star


Went in my guild hall (in testing) and Craig popped in right away. Perfect timing.

Edit: I got invited to that guild randomly. All Hail Toastrz! :bread:









Took 15 minutes, but I found a beach bum and got the key.


I love seeing the minimaps when there’s been a long search. GG on including it.