The Arrival - a ten day event


I’m just tired of the constant bugs imo, they really need to slow down on events and focus more on trickle content, bug fixes, and QoL changing.

There’s been fucking bugs from day one that are still here. I understand that they’re not some giant company that can divert 20% of their attention to problems with no issues, but wouldn’t it make more sense to focus on bug fixiing instead of constant events that put further strain?


Not just that. What’s the cost of communication? They could make a statement about the bugs and have some actually functional support that doesn’t demand video footage as proof of a clear bug that multiple players are experiencing and reporting.

I’m always coming and going from realm and at this time i’m remembering why, at some point, I’m always leaving. DECA’s credibility as a serious company decays when such simple actions could’ve been taken but aren’t.


I just wanted a week of no events

Is that so much to ask for?


That would be my favorite event of all time



also I just wanna throw out a rhetorical question before I completely disengage from this discussion:

how is it that simple tweaks on a new engine cause massive ripple effects in areas where they shouldn’t even be affected?


Actually, you were literally mentioned in the message after Gamma’s screenshot! Yes, indeed.

The photo didn’t upload haha


Unfortunately yes.


They’re just tyring to get whales to spend more money xD


Not really gonna bother playing this event, same with the last few mini events. Why bother?

LoL has a better LiveOps system because they at least just segment it in to huge events that last a month or two, rather than cancer weekly stuff like this.


Am I the only one who is actually excited for this event? It seems like everybody is disliking it, which kinda puts me back a bit


I’m excited to get the items for my ppe. I’m not excited for more constant grinding, especially after months of pretty much just that.


I’m especially excited to get the reskin tail, cwand, and tshot. Also those pet skins are some of my favorites in the game


I didn’t see any mention of increased loot chances, so I don’t see myself running it very much. Bonus XP would be nice if I had something useful to spend my fame on.

The only thing I really dislike about this is the fact that we haven’t had a moment without events running since I came back to Realm. It was understandable during MotMG, but it’s mid-November now and there’s still no end in sight. When it becomes the norm, there’s no reason to get excited about it.

I imagine this comes from having team members dedicated to community stimulation. Their performance isn’t measured by our feedback. Their supervisors are looking at how much content they came up with given their resources. It’s also good to keep in mind that we, the dedicated veteran players, are still a minority.


Finally. I can get rid of the tokens I’ve been holding on to since the last event.


Wish I could do that, I threw mine away like two months ago.


man, it sounds like you "Got got"!


is that- oh lmfao its book


He’s replying on phantom’s thread too


He’s replying on almost everything. I have no idea what is happening.


Some of you guys have already tried it in our Public Testing. Expect it veeeerry soon.