The average drop rate for Dbow?


191 udls+ the 40 udls (done on my alive archer) for a whopping total of 231 udls and no dbow.

Some people got their first dbow after completing 40-70 dbows.

So, what is the drop rate for Dbow?


strong text


RNG, we don’t know exactly what it is



Is that good?


Most people estimate that it’s about a 1/100 chance. However, that’s just an estimate, and it’s possibly completely wrong.


From the very little I can judge you with:

  1. Shucks man, a tad unlucky for you, but the overall drop rates are roughly 1/100.
  2. You really need to increase your udl runs, man. I’m a red star and am very close to you. I suggest running every udl you find in realm, especially if no-one else has entered it.
  3. Personal tips: Pop a loot potion, and run those udls with a class good for rushing and clearing udls in a short amount of time. Knights work, archers do alright if high dps, etc. You’ll eventually get one in 1 hour if you constantly, farm glands for udl and enter every udl you can.

Good luck :slight_smile:


I’ve gotten a total of 3 Dbows in my entire lifetime just from doing around 500 UDLs.


Personally, it took me about 400-500 for my first dbow if I recall correctly. I’ve only had 2 or 3 drop.

I don’t think anyone knows the current drop rate.



Why was this guy flagged?


@system (i.e., the forum software itself) is doing it. I’m looking into it.


Lol that one happened right in front of my eyes. I don’t why but it cracked me up lol :smiley:


Weird, just did it again @OtherBill


#Welcome to the forums @Shendyt!

Have a :cookie:!


Probs a glitch, one of our mods is on it. I think the system is detecting you as a spambot for some reason… :confused:


@Shendyt: It’s not a person—it’s the forum software itself.

Check your RealmEye private messages.

I’m not sure how to fix this tonight, sorry. :frowning:


Holy canolli you’re complaining after only 230 smh.

Took me over 1000 buddy.

For your reference:

Food for thought (you will need to expand):

Someone with even less patience than you:


I think this has been done before but here goes…

You can’t calculate the probability of getting a DBow within a number of UDL runs, only the chance of not getting a DBow. Assuming the community accepted drop rate of 1% is true, the probability of you NOT getting a DBow in 241 UDLs is:

0.99^241 = 0.0887 or 8.87%

So there’s a 91.13% chance of getting a DBow during those 241 UDLs but you’re one of those unlucky 1 in 11 people who statistically won’t/didn’t get one.

Down side is the 241 UDLs are now already done so they don’t affect the math any more. If you run another 241 UDLs you still only have a 91.13% chance of getting a DBow.

Same happened to me with the reskin EP: 753 sprites. Probability hates me too if that helps any.


753? it took me 3 sprites to get the reskin ep, and I was not even farming for it. But that just shows how random this game is.


8 cooking EPs, 6 Planes, and enough Dex to trade up to Life and max a couple of chars. Sprite farming and merching for a week. My soul is a shriveled little black ball now…


RNG is the funniest thing in the game. I’ve gotten 4 DBows, but no CBows ever. First snake pit I run randomly gets me Reskin Bulwark, but it takes me over 200 sprites to get a Reskin EP, then I get a random regular Bulwark out of nowhere while running pits with a friend. I go two weeks to a month without a white bag, but then two Mad Robes and a DBlade pop out of nowhere for me.

Conclusion: the things I try to get end up being the things that are hardest for me to get; most of my whites are just random and usually catch me off-guard. Therefore, at least in my experience, it’s a bad idea to farm a white endlessly, but hey, this is just the RNG of a random player.


From my experience, I get doombows quite frequently, like once a week but I don’t do them that often, so it feels to me like a 1/50 but I see people who just can’t get doombows.