The Bearer


Wait but then you can hit them and they can’t hit you? Isn;t this just making the game a lot more anti-melee then normal


They can hit you, too. You’re just invisible to enemies that are not in the field. I stated that in the post above yours.


Wait so you create a sphere around you? I thought you created a sphere around monsters. If you create a sphere around you, what is the difference between this and cloaking?


Cloaks - Invisible to all enemies for a duration of time and a 1-second intermission before you can use it again.

Crystals - Invisible to enemies outside of a range for as long as you can keep the ability going for, and the ability to gain extra Defense for a very short period.


Wait but isn’t that op for people with an divine pet and a ray katana? Or is it just me


I mean, if you’re careful with a Tier 6 you can outrange anything by standing away from it. Cloaks don’t have to worry about range because it covers everything.

I kept things in mind everywhere for the technicality of the class, don’t worry.


But with a t6 and a ray katana, this thing is insanely overpowered as you can infinitely use it while being able to hit the target. I think the problem is that it’s too overpowered


You still have to be careful with it, since it would only be like that with stationary enemies that are alone. That doesn’t imply that they do nothing, either, as most enemies that are stationary and do things alone have phases, like with the Shatters bosses.


It’s not ivincible but that doesn’t mean it’s not overpowered. If you have a decent amount of skill and have an op pet, this class is basically equivalent to a rouge with infini cloak on a katana class which is too overpowered. I’m not saying it’s a bad idea. I’m saying that there should be a limit on the maximum amount of time you can use the ability before it automatically let’s go


The original idea was to have it so that you can’t heal MP with the spacebar, and I remember that I didn’t post that with this idea. But then again, I also intended to make a suggestion to do the same thing to Stars.

Or, no, I do remember. I made an idea on the Kabam forums a while back that would make Ninjas unable to regenerate MP while holding down the spacebar. If that were the case, this would be much more skill-based and not pet-based. Then again, any class is these days.


Yeah, that’s interesting and something I would support. However, then DECA couldn’t make as much money so it wouldn’t be implemented.


I mean, it only affects one class. Even then, Ninja has extremely high DPS already, and it would still work to release the button and then regenerate.


You can’t just nerf a class. Think about how many people it would piss off. Also, a lot of people already think that ninja needs a buff and implementing this isn’t going to help with that.


Why would Ninja need a buff?

  • Its weapons do a lot of damage.
  • Its weapons pierce.
  • It has 70 Attack, 70 Dexterity, and 60 Speed.
  • Its ability is pure damage, and gives Speedy indefinitely with even a “mediocre” pet.


so basically a worse rogue?
however thems some spicey ut crystals :yum:
id play 6/10


it has low range and 25 defense. Also, if by mediocre pet, you mean a legendary, I don’t know what you’re high on. Most people can’t get past rare.


but u get clapped by like everything


You can infini this ability. Not nerfed… It’s buffed


took me a year and 160 days to get a free to play pet legendary
not hard just takes time


How much time did you play average a day? Also, that’s a pretty long time. I personally play on and off so it took me a while longer