The best char (class)?


I was always wondering what is the best char in this game and WHY? What class has the biggest chance to get many good loot?

Best Character (Classes)
[POLL] What is your favorite class? (personally)
What's your favorite class and why?
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Favourite Class & Why?
"What class is the best class?" Correct answer here!
What is your favorite class and why?

I donā€™t think there really is an objective best answer to this, but the closest I can get is Dbow Archer, if only because of how polyvalent and easy to make it is.


best is paladin, it is the most forgiving class to play, offering heals and high defense to help with your soloing and allows you to get up and close to bosses to see and learn their shot patterns, with it being a melee it also naturally allows for high dps regarding acquiring loots :slight_smile:


wizard because it has the highest DPS in the game and IT IS A LONG RANGE CLASS so you donā€™t get shotgunned so easily like short range classes.

edit: No one gets loot more easily than a 6/8 wizard.
For example I DID SO MANY DUNGEONS in 2 days that i maxed 6/8 and got 10 whitebags and 15 UTs.


They always say pally is a sh*t and warr/knight got better loot than him, idk how true is that i never tried a pally


its the first class i really played on, i strongly reccomend it, firstly running sprites on a semi maxed pally is really efficent and where it all began for me, pm me ingame and ill chuck you a zseal to get you on your way :slight_smile:


A class : Good ability and Good stat.
Archer, Wizard, Knight, Warrior

B class : Good ability but average stat.
Pally, Necro, Assassin, Huntress, Priest, Sorc, Mystic

C class : Only for pros.
Ninja, Trick, Rouge,


Knight. The more stuff You can survive, the higher chance Youā€™ll get to see the loot. I donā€™t even care about the ā€œsafetyā€ coming from stunning bosses. DPS is good enough to get loot, Def is high enough to ensure Youā€™ll live to see the loot and You donā€™t have to worry that much about getting insta-popped in Shatters while running through things, which is an additional benefit.


Iā€™d say rogue would be ā€˜Bā€™ Class, as while it takes time to have instinct for how long your invisible lasts, itā€™s not that hard to play, whereas ninja and trickster you need to be in tip-top game.


Well I agree with you, but itā€™s really easy to play with ninja and trix, ninja is one of my fav classes also, and trix is OP in shats.


How would you define ā€˜easyā€™? Easy in the sense you just play it a lot? Or easy in the sense you survive long on those characters? Easy in the sense you have a doku which allows you to play ninja more effectively?


This is the list of how easy it is to survive:

A class: Healing or Leachable.
Priest, Paladin, Necro, Assassin, Wizard.

B Class: Long Range. Killable but your pet can save it.
Wizard, Sorc, Mystic, Archer, Huntress.

C Class: Easily Shotgunnable. Your pet canā€™t save it.
Knight, Warrior, Paladin, Rogue, Trickster.


Everything is easy to survive on. Trickster, Ninja and Mystic are hard to play well.

Pally is a very good melee class to start with and it stays awesome after that.



With it being the weakest class currently and obsolete in many ways due to pets, it is the only class that offers a challenge when playing it.


Iā€™m curious, by ā€˜challengeā€™ do you mean just not getting loot? Necro is very useful (yes even with pets) because it can heal copious amounts of HP, in one go, meaning it can also gland farm well (high range + decent dmg output), coupled with pets, makes it almost unkillable, just like a priest with prot.


Not exactly what I meant. Yes, the challenge is getting loot, but by obsolete I meant that the majority does not want to play it, because other options will guarantee loot more, or have better survivability. A Necromancer with even a maxed rare can heal up for quite sometime before having to resort to massive MP usage on the skull and then just recover it with the pet as well. It does have great survivability even without pets and thatā€™s why I think itā€™s the better one.


I kinda feel like the knight is in a very strong state in rotmg.
On paper his purpous is to tank shots and stun people with his shield, but his shield does a lot of damage while stunning and transforms the knight to a tank-dps class, capable to compete with the warrior, dbow archer and wizzy.
But thats my opinion, and I havent played the other classes a huge amount. Since my 5/8 dbow archer dies Iā€™ve been trying to max a wizzy and I will see if my opinion changes after playing with him.


It will :smiley:
It is the only class that i have achieved more than 2000 fame 3 times.


Ninja is such an underpowered class that I think it is a considerable challenge to play it well.


It really depends what stage of the game you are playing, what you enjoy, and what you are really trying to accomplish.

##Getting Started
At the very beginning (before maxing and before you have a ~rare pet) it might be nice to play a necromancer or paladin because the real difficulty is just getting in any damage without dying. Remember that an unmaxed necro has the exact same dps as an unmaxed wizard from the staff. The only difference is the ability, and the necroā€™s heal is going to let you get more shots in on those monsters than the wizardā€™s spell.

##Your First Farmer
I see from your realmeye that you (SanchysQ) have a nearly max rare pet. At this point my suggestion would be a wizard. You no longer need the necro heal ability to keep you alive and in the fight, and you are ready to max your farmer. Once the wizard has maxed def, att, and dex, he will be an absolute powerhouse at farming godlands and/or lower level dungeons (sprite, snake, udl, probably cem and lab if you are decent with him at all). You will be amazed at how quickly he kills things.

There are two caveats here. First, the wizard was originally intended to be a ā€˜glass cannonā€™ and is therefore very fragile. You need to use the range of your staff to keep from taking a ton of damage. One of the key lessons that you need to pick up at this stage is actually knowing and accepting your limitations. The wizard can help you learn that life long lesson because you should not feel completely invincible.

Second, thereā€™s still quite a bit of stuff that you probably arenā€™t optimally suited to do yet. It is possible to complete all high level dungeons on a wizard, but as you are just starting out itā€™s probably not the best class to try abysses, shatters, or even skull shrines and cube gods. You can probably tomb, but you should be very careful to use that range.

Nonetheless, the wizard is still a very effective farmer for this stage of the game where you have a pet which offers a good deal of survivability but you are still maxing up a couple of characters.

Some people would probably recommend a knight instead of the wizard because of the really high defense. I donā€™t because 1)I want you to learn your limitations, 2)the wizard has insane dps as you max up those attack stats, 3)staff range will allow you to get sb on far more enemies in godlands than swords, and 4)it takes a lot of defense to max a knight without really getting anything but more survivability in return at this stage.

One final consideration for this first farmer stage of the game: a dbow is a game changer. If you have a dbow using it on either bow class could be a viable alternative to the wizard. However, I would strongly caution against this because the fact of the matter is that you will probably die on your first farmer. You may be very disappointed if this happens to your dbow. The base damage of tiered bows on an unmaxed bow class is so low that it is significantly less effective to farm with them than the wizard (not to mention the shorter range), so Iā€™d stick with maxing up that wizzy.

##Beyond the Farmer
The next stage of the game is maxing up some more classes to use beyond your farmer. When your wizard is maxed to 4/8 you have to make some choices. You could continue to farm on him while drinking pots on a second class that will enable you to take on those harder dungeons and have something to fall back on, in which case you will have to decide which class that will be. However, I would also strongly urge you to consider preparing for the inevitable. Eventually, death will come for us all. It is incredibly frustrating to get used to having a maxed class and then get dropped back to zero because of one senseless death. Worse, if you have been trying to pot up a second character but itā€™s not ready, you will be tempted to now use that character to farm and he may not be fully ready for use or even suited for the farming you are going to try on him. This often leads to a bad cycle of ā€œI had a string of bad luck and lost everything.ā€

###Build a Bank
For this reason, the next step I would recommend is to store up enough pots that you can remax if your wizard dies. I never want to be risking everything I have so that I have to go back to 0/8. If I ever want to play a 0/8, I want it to be because I chose to do so; not because I died an idiotic death. Therefore my rule is to always bank enough to rebuild and never, ever, spend the bank unless I have no farming characters. If I have to spend the bank, there will be a fire in my bones to get it back because it is my only real safety net. Once you have several maxed classes and you have come to the place where you can confidently use them, those additional characters can be used as a safety net as well to rebuild, but I consider them to be an option to protect my bank (not a reason I donā€™t need to keep it any more).

###Branch Out
So now you have a nice foundation with a farmer and a safety net, what should you build? Since you have been wearing yourself out playing a staff class, I think now is a good time to pick a melee. In the current meta the dagger classes are sort of niche cases that you may or may not get a great use out of. And they are also pretty squishy without having enough additional damage to compensate for that, IMO. I like dagger classes, but I wouldnā€™t pick it for my first character after the farmer.

So I recommend melee. But which one?

I really donā€™t think thereā€™s a right answer here, because each of the melee classes have their own strengths and weaknesses. The question I would ask myself is: do I want more tankiness or more damage? Thatā€™s really the primary difference between the three melees. The continuum from full tank to full damage is knight, pally, warrior. The choice is up to you.

##Keep Building
The final piece of advice I would give you is to not get careless at this stage. After you have a wizard and a melee, you can really do whatever you want for your third classā€¦but the biggest risk is that you will plateau here because you are so happy with having two maxed classes. Then you arenā€™t motivated to keep going, or you keep killing one of your two maxed classes. I highly recommend that you consider yourself to be an incomplete person until you have maxed a third character.

But this is the point where you have lots of options. You should have learned how to survive from following this path. Now you can learn how to take calculated risks, deal with failure, and improve your ability from a healthy position. From here on out, if you keep applying the same principles that got you this far, there is really nothing you canā€™t do in this game.

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