The Death Thread


Lag kills.


This triggered my Rotmg PTSD :sob:

Rip my Wizard




what is this picture???




Clearly a picture of a computer that has a screen of rotmg on it… lelxdppebtw


click on the pic


Your graveyard:
shows that you died to “NM Black Dragon God Hardmode” so I think what happened is the boss was activated while you didn’t notice. The gravestone is in a place where the dragon’s shots can hit.

Resized pic:

Gonna move into the Death Thread. RIP


Went from 130 to 3. No deaths on screen, but PLENTY of people died.


For some reason, the statue prioritizes more distant players for Earth Smash than closer ones.


that really needs to not happen


rip my archer that got 6/8 in 4 days. died to oryx lag


rip how did you die?




Rest in pieces my bag and a LOT of people.


how are you not lagging?


I’m borderline DC, but I try to not be in the center of the group at all times. My frames are fine, but everything else is really really trash otherwise.




what happened to your bag?