The Death Thread


Rip this 6 day old 3/8 warrior


Bad guild :angry:


Heheh, definitely not one of the warmer guilds out there, but hey, it’s thanks to people like you and Sabai that make the guild more tolerable and welcoming to newbies :stuck_out_tongue:


This happened to me when I was orange star as well, on Archer with Void bow, Void quiver, and crown. It’s already devastating for me to watch another character falls to this bullshit again. Big F.


Thanks for your concern, I’ve decided to take a long break from the game.


This is the one death that actually pissed me off.
I’ve never before been this angry about a death.

The main reason I died goes back to the fact that my mouse cable stopped working reliably.
I tried cutting open the cable to try and reconnect the bit that had gone loose, but it was too fiddly and I gave up.
Then the nest event came, and I really wanted those nest whites, so I decided to do some nests without my mouse.
Everything went well enough, and after 3 nests, I got this bag.

I wanted to post this in the loot channel of my guild’s discord so I took the screenshot above.
Then I also got something from the chest (A blue hydra reskin) so I had to post the screenshot so I could take another. But by the time I was doing that, everyone had left the dungeon already. While the keyboard focus was off the game, little yellow shots were hitting me, so I hurriedly moved my cursor back over my game and tried to click by tapping, but it wasn’t working.

The White Bag Thread v2

Story of the Year awarded to…

Survivor !


Jesus christ that’s some toxic guildies smh


That honestly sucks man. Same kind of thing happened to one of my first 7/8s, was in a ddocks and rushed into the grotto portal with a mob of minions behind me. I was stuck on the loading screen for an eternity so I restarted my game and I apparently died before I entered the portal but it didn’t register in time. I was sooo fucking mad.


My brother just told me that the reason tapping to click didn’t work is because my nexus key was being pressed.

While a key is being pressed, you can’t click by tapping for some reason.



72 OTs 3 cbows, 0 ctraps.
No Halls nor discord servers were allowed in the guild ppe contest.


RIP Peter Mayhew, actor of Chewbacca.



@Gyikszemu, @Farmerobot, @Reachguy, @ILagHehe + two or three more whose graves had already disappeared.


Whats wrong with your player?



First time in a week. Restarting Flash Player fixed it.

Missing icons/art

I thought you guys were those box rogues


That looks like the doing of a Medusa wall


nope. Crystal and lag. You can see the mark the Crystal leaves at the top of the screenshot. I teleported immediately after the deaths/lag and did screenshots while there were still ponies around, but the crowd stopped me getting a good screenshot and I came back a few mins later.


That’s just embarrassing.


dies from yellow bee

Me: Thinking Face on Twitter Twemoji 12.0

goes back to main menu

Me : hmmface1 credit to whoever made this thinking face

I… I through the Deca gods gave me… a second life…

Trivial Issues Thread