The Death Thread


:C OK I admit it. I was unhappy because my paladin died and… I turned to hacks. I won’t pretend that I thought it was right. I’ve been using hacks this past week. I’ll try not to use hacks anymore, though because I recognise that using a client would have a lasting impact on my image within the community, and cause me to lose skill at the game. Sorry if you lost any respect for me, and I hope that I can stop myself in the future.


Don’t tell me i didn’t told you to not suicide all your characters for an account reset. If you had backups, you won’t be using hacks.


Nah, wasn’t that, was just annoyed my ppe died unfairly


so @CandyShi how goes the ppe contest?



“Giving pixie to the player that gives me a T7 dagger”

He wasn’t lying.

I see the sight of a T7 dagger in a lava chest, with a lot of gods around it.

In my rush for a pixie, i don’t see a Sprite God star hit me, Quieting me.

As i try to retreat from the god wall, i fail and get killed by a beholder.

100 fame away from First Born.

Post funny moments in-game!

I’m already used to the Unity client. I didn’t even notice

Nice catch :+1:


This is why don’t rush into something when there are armies of gods.


RIP Entropy :disappointed_relieved:


Why do I think he placed that there on purpose…


No, i won’t hack.

Already having fun with my necro and paladin so far


Wha- Where did I tell you to hack?


How do you even die in an MT?

When you see a blinking warrior as a priest, what do you do? Heal? NOPE YOU FREAKING RUN AWAY FROM HIM AS FAST AS POSSIBLE LIKE ANY GOOD FREAKING PRIEST WOULD DO


I got antirogued, I guess. I was clearing lamps and this paladin (present in the screenshot) decides to dawdle behind me. I take the brunt force of all the Corrupted Spawns, and the Rouge-Rogue dies in an instant.

I whisper him afterwards telling him to be more careful behind cloaked rogues. He was nice about it, but he told me that enemies in MT shoot regardless of invisibility. Total bullshit.


I… I don’t know how this happened. We killed the boss and the guy moved onto the portal, then suddenly we see a grave. I kid you not there was only one enemy nearby.


Priest: the best class for a selfish player. I love it


Welp, thats what happens when you get into battle and forget to heal or nexus.


[Priest]: Just dodge!


The real Silex died in testing in front of me lol.


And again lol I’m not sure what they are doing.