The Death Thread


I have harley on my rogue :wink:


you what?


This guy quit shortly after


I saw that lmao


on my first 6/8 I died to a puppet master due to lag which kinda sucked but I bounced back so it wasnt too bad :slight_smile:


My God I love you for that


On my first 6/8 I, well, the story’s up top.


and OOF.


My first 6/8 died b/c i wasn’t paying attention. ;(


To be honest, I’m not actually sure. Here’s what hp/mp text looks like on the title screen if I only toggle that without changing any other settings. Before it got brought up in this chat, I’ve honestly never noticed that the hp/mp text was off-centered. I’ve been playing realm on Mac and through Kongregate for years. Someone said it’s caused by zooming in/out a lot, but idk.


i think thats just hardware acceleration or something


janus +lag = die


comfort him


Sounds so innocent
’Key of Light’


Pretty much anything + lag = die


hobbit mage + lag = die


lol gotta send me a screeshot of that




Oh… Um
Look here:
I had a leaf bow trying to lvl up a huntress…
Just look


Lets see what you did wrong:
You died with cbow on lvl 11
You died with cbow on lvl 4
You died with leaf bow on lvl 3

slow clapping