The Death Thread


Must have been one good PPE then…


Definitely one of the more ironic deaths that I’ve had in quite some time now.


I think it was a ghost god? if so he was instantly avenged


this event got me feelin stupid


That’s the issue with long, boring, repetitive content; it’s easy to lose focus and mess up in ways you could never have imagined.


@StoneLight The boss died a split second after he did, feels bad

On the plus side, I got 2 mana and screenshot_20180208_164151


Yes sir, definitely easier to get careless




L @Johnbonnie






Rip rusher. Don’t bring warriors into dirty tombs!


Failed lava walks make me sad…



2nd 6/8 death in 2 days. rip ppe


I was standing near the guardian, along with the 80 other people in the castle who were literally on top of it, and I guess I stepped on the wrong pixel at the wrong time because I went from full to 0 instantly :frowning:
I feel like I’d have a better chance winning the lottery than have that happen again…

On the bright side, I got my orange star!


Rip, that was a mighty fine run on that warrior


it was my best char :frowning:




Rip my reskin acclaim and my last decent char :frowning:


Well i guess il put my deaths then.