The Death Thread


actually i somehow pressed “enter” before pressing f and r. lol


Died Typing “T Room” in abyss. So Salty.



yo holy shit that’s consolemc on legends right there


He plays?


idk, i’ve seen him around but that was months ago when i still played


I saw him in a ddocks 2 or 3 days ago


had a conversation with him a few weeks back


Did a public Halls with @RMGNoob. Death followed.

@RoRsky They just. Popped. Like, that Armorbearer just went “STOMP!” and there was a gravestone.

@Yokoon Unlike me, did not make it. I don’t know how I did, though…

@Hijerome and @Sonofabic A Ninja that leveled up inside the Halls with, like, a Kendo Stick and Basilisk Hide Armor, and a (mildly arrogant ;3) Knight who was irritated by all the Quiets before being quiet, FOREVER


Seperate post to pay seperate respects:

Throwaway 'Sin. Didn’t see it due to people horde (someone opened in USE2, and hey, I like the Nest, despite its many flaws), and I stood on it during rage. Thought I’d be able to get away flashing and have a good laugh, but this is also fine. It means I can make a Warrior now, so I can finally have another melee character.
tmw all 3 Staff classes-


@Seelpit you forgot the first one to die: Sidonus’ 7/8.


was standing on top of an air hole and still died of suffocation :confused: lag sucks (my first ever 6/8 with well-earned tops)




Oh my gosh I realized something, BLU I’d lose the ring it’s a cursed para vit, both me and @Ickabod carried the same ring around

(Icka carried it first and died first, I carried it second and died second)


died on my huntress (3.1k base) in my first reef with “good internet” where I died to lag…


Two of them Confusers just popped this poor Ninja :c


another lh alt


Fuck me sideways rip beehelm


Some Rips from these July events:
MTemple: @Dragounov @ThailandMC
OT: @FrostyFame @MaxiiFox @ErnieCrap
Woodland: an opener started popping the portals directly on turrets and a few maxeds died @LipSyncing @MasterPure [missed other names] @TechEZ @Eoal @Axodus


And an O2 compilation going back to June:
@Ximql @DownOfDead @DamnBro
@Saintziron @FunnyWilly @IAmPanda

And July: @IIIReid @GrayScout @Arachnide


And last from the June ones:
Parasites @YoYoMoBB @Rooyal @TheFallenO @Ginut
Sentries @Demondark @Manonduty on one stacked with Statues, @DOKTORPUSZ and on one stacked with ship @MySockz