The Death Thread



I cant believe I lost 4 8/8 necros in under 2 months


wow i suck

at least i knew i sucked at the third character and only put crappy gear on.

also to be fair i got insta killed in pretty much all of them (kinda).

edit: died on samurai two moe times! Im so good!


I have not been having a good run recently. Iā€™m down to my last two maxed characters.
Mystic was probably the worst death because they had a conflict on them and they used a fresh clover at that lotl to get ogmur which they probably would have gotten if I didnā€™t get sat on.

But worst of all, none of them got to 5 stars which is what I was hoping for. At least the parasite and lh events are coming up I guess.


using a f00king cult staff with a shitty ass ubhp reskin and a fucking gsorc with 7/8?


Fucking pressed my hp pot instead of nexus. I feel retarded!


darn, so close to white star


Some MotMG RIPs at events:

In Encore: @Cottageboy (opener died in own run) @MrDeviouSS @PietkunPL
In Docks: @Geilbanane @XMasterJrX
During the 2x whitebag drop: @MySockz @DeathSll

And a couple from the day or 2 before MotMG started @Aidsteddy @Racklas @Bonkie



During the x2 event:

Couple from the day or 2 before MotMG:


I failed to put my dbow on for extra fame


The most expected death ive hadā€¦


So, the very second I die on my 8/8 ninja, YouTube autoplays the next video and Rick Astleyā€™s Never Gonna Give You Up playsā€¦at the exact same moment I dieā€¦2018-08-26%20(1)


Couldnā€™t even get to 2k fameā€¦


Double memed


I was RickRolled, I was fucking RickRolled.


lmfao im dying of laughter

but seriously, that is oofff


That had to of been done for a reason. Like, it was spot on, the very milisecond that I died, Never Gonna Give You Up startedā€¦



goodluck rebuilding though




You can hate the game much as you want but donā€™t hate yourselfā€¦:slightly_smiling_face:


Not worth rushing toward leprechaun.