The Death Thread




both to that awful thicket last boss where his shots go weird. like howā€¦



@Mannyvault Unfortunately, suffered serious, 4th-degree sunburn.
Forced to retire!


Sun phase is amazing, Iā€™m so disappointed that Iā€™m too laggy to do O2


note to self: that ā€œbig shotā€ is a ton of tiny bullets

there goes my pyra and leaf.



Rip @Noronha because the avatar FORGOTTEN KING was still against the wall in tentacle phase


Making those letters was annoying. Appreciate it, dangit! >:O


appreciation given. >:O


Lag death :cry:
Rubberbanded next to a door that opened while I lagged
Prot/puri, almost 8/8


I was reading chat in a small oryx and forgot to dodge. I really enjoyed that void quiver, but oh well.


Well this is my 2nd time dying with 3/4 parts of the necro set.

I will probably never get the full thing at this rate


Maybe keep it in vault until you have 4/4 if you want it so bad?


Eh I donā€™t need it that bad, Iā€™d rather use the items than let them rot.


If you see a painling, just run. EZ PZ.


Well It was so laggy :confused:

O2 Got me good lol
Another thing I didnā€™t die cuz I didnā€™t dodge, you see I rotated my screen lol. So he was on that part with the eyes going around him I was standing still but when I rotated it put me in position between all those eyes, rip.


I had 3 potted characters, my 7/8 Knight, 7/8 Archer, and my 4/8 Necromancer. When I wasnā€™t around, my younger brother went on my account and killed of those three characters. My only potted characters (other than a 1/8 Paladin) are now gone, along with the rare gear. Just to name a few: My Archer had DBow, Leaf Bow, my Knight had A.S.S. and Cutlass, Colo, and the ST Samurai Armour, my Necro had Gebā€™s Ring of Wisdom, EP, Summer Soltice Robe, and that blue robe that drops from LOD (I am having trouble remembering the name of it). The rage I have for my brother right now is undescribableā€¦


Log out of RotMG whenever youā€™re not playing and donā€™t tell him the password.


Yeah, heā€™s never done this sort of thing before, so I donā€™t log out when Iā€™m done.


ā€œMom said it was my turn to play RoTMGā€