The Death Thread




@PredatorPT I missed my stun D:

@Testiman Couldn’t dance.

@NeverDefea Well, maybe you’ll never be defeated…in the future.

@HexicNoob Name speaks for itself.

@Bamse @Dementismu What are you doing?


Now, I know what y’all are thinking: “JimdaFish, I am tired of you not losing 8/8 characters to your own stupidity and overconfidence! I demand entertainment!”

Well, fear not, fellow forumers! JimdaFish has succeeded once again:

It’s okay, it’s not like this character was one of my favorites… or that it was the best LH character I’ve ever had… or that it’s the only character I’ve had for over a year…

Necro time!


shit doer of deeds…

never gotten that one before…

You said this was your lh char, how did you get doer of deeds then?


It only became my LH character in the last couple months or so (I was scared of the dungeon before then), so it had plenty of time to run around and kill quests.


New grave I saw while doing a LH


pretty funny tbh, reminds of or 2017/2016


here’s a death of @Unicorn being full dps mode and dying. Too lazy to get my own graves to stay on topic.


i don’t see it. but ill return the favor of a dead you (rip cult staff):


If so, hopefully not available in the nexus.
I can see all the lv 1 graves now…

Edit: Oh shiet 17 day reply
please dont murder me nevov.


time to quit


Charging headfirst into an uncleared room in chambers, with predictable results.


Lmao, and now I got flagged


I can’t wizard


So I was at the chest and everyone was lagging. For about 10 secs nobody was moving and then boom around 10 people + my best and favorite character dead. 10/10 event.

[Merged topic: “Lost my character to the new event” onto Death Thread. -Nevov]


past 1/2 sec you should’ve nexused. Kinda your fault. You also probably didn’t lose it to the new event, but probably near it.


I didn’t realize that you can die when nothing is moving. I though you could disconnect at worst. I was exactly at the chest with a lot of people. There were a lot of gods around and we were trying to kill them but the shots weren’t registering. After the lag “stopped” I saw around 10 people die instantly and I also died.

Yes it’s my fault the company has shitty servers and bad server code. Sure. I mean I could have known the game is this bad now and nexus/close the game but I hadn’t touched the game for a long time.

You sure are quick to judge people and defend shitty servers tho.


You should’ve nexused, it’s your fault that you died, as even you stated flat out that you had a full 10 seconds to evacuate the area or nexus/exit the game.

The event has nothing to do with this.

Now you know, just exit the game if this ever happens again.

Does this happen literally every 5 minutes? no, this is a relatively rare occurance, just momentary server lag, you still had plenty of time to save your character, it’s your fault it died.

Well, now you know, it shouldn’t happen to you again.

With what has been stated we can easily conclude that the dead was your fault, you had a full 10 seconds to save your character, you didn’t so the death is your fault.

The servers are the exact same as Kabams, they aren’t any worse than when you last played, they’ve been the same for many years.


This isn’t Deca’s fault, the servers and most of the current client were coded a long time ago by WS and Kabam.


woo man. Its not like im judging you, im just saying its your fault.

And it’s not defending the shitty servers, its that the game has had shit servers for years upon years so this is something that people should know of, and usually the reason don’t nexus is because of greed.


Whine Cellar?

This event simply spawns a singular entity on the map, an event chest. The mass congregation of up to 85 players on one screen does not reflect server side lag that you described. In past events, such as the ice tomb event, server side lag was noted, but this isn’t the case here. Your client struggled to handle the situation and thus froze for ten seconds. You should have quit the game in those ten seconds, which mind you, is more time than most people get in such scenarios. I will say however, it is surprising that you’ve achieved orange star without ever experiencing, or simply knowing about the danger of lagging in realm. Even if it was truly server side lag (which I doubt since the servers are written in C++), any indication of lag should’ve given you ample time to react to the situation and close the game, given the circumstances that

  1. You could not damage the gods.
  2. The other players in game were not reacting like normal players.
  3. The other gods in game were not reacting like normal gods.

The game servers not shitty by any means. The servers are able to handle the daily influx of 75,000 active players throughout the day divided into different regional servers. The servers have been migrated and upgraded numerous times since 2010, each upgrade more beneficial and costly than the last. These “shitty” servers cost hundreds of thousands of euro’s to upkeep a year. And the server code is not bad, you have no way of even backing up your claims. The server code is written in C++ and has not been publicly available for years. The last glimpse of the server code was in a terrible leak that occurred during the Wild Shadow days, something that has given the backbone for all private servers out there. You are rather trying to express how shitty the actionscript3 client code is, the flash player client. Which is why DECA is pouring money to rewrite the client code into Unity, C#.

Please, watch a 5 minute video on clients, servers, and packets on the topic of gaming before you make such marvelously flawed comments such as:


Don’t do the event. Problem solved.