The Death Thread


Wrong thread.


Hey, I got that one too!


I guess the Fox was ‘Maxed’? Get it? Because the player was maxed? And name was maxed fox?
you better start laughing…



whats with the zig-zag tiles ?


I believe sometimes If you’re playing the game on too large of a resolution (flash projector) It can do that when you rotate the camera.


ah, thank you.


@Enzocc; a failed troll or trying to die in an entertaining way? (had to wait for Janus to die to get good screenshot)


Honestly, I don’t know either. I’m going to presume suicide.

@ColossalG The Notorious G. gets Notoriously Stood On.

@YukiJr Katanas, unsurprisingly, can still be broken.

@IWANwerwef Not strong enough for dance. @Wasteman I got quieted, I couldn’t stun, they were in front of Oryx…

@Mathiasmas Literally just got run over.

@Mumriks Death was instantaneous. No remains were uncovered.





stop being good wtf


image image imageimage wut




It’s a thing that happens when you put flash projector on 100% and then full screen it.


@Furball Unfortunately, fur is not quite as defensive as they’d’ve wished.

@Ginowup It is bomb!

@Undyou Vho do ve kil today? You, you, Undyou!


erm urbad


dying in a tomb? tired

dying to tutorial boss? W I R E D




@Druzze @noticed

This is not often seen in the USNW server and seemed worthy of a post