The Death Thread


alright i quit somehow septavius one shot my paladin… a low tier boss shouldnt be able to do like 1500 damage that when ur not even sitting on he just walks up and somehow hits you with all his shots when he’s not directly on you…


git gud


@Ecookied got jebaited by oryxes infamous shotgun


Suicide. because i didnt like ur cosmic with the set.


oh ok


but you had janus marks on you. ur lying why would u suicide with thoes


Because i had 8


but did you do the quest already?






Not yet.


Let it be known that Yellow Phase 1 is still fucking garbage.
Why does the Queen get to suddenly spawn like 4 Yellow Killer Bees immediately, that dish out an instant 130 damage per shot? Why can she paralyze-lock you with ease? What makes this fair?


Yea they always send you the same damn automatic message “unfortunatly…”



what happened in that last one lol



I like that suspicious cropping.

Not as much as I like the lack of shadows, though.




Sorry for barreling you my guy


So you are that type of person huh
Jk it was probs an accident