The Death Thread





Lagged out.


Fame train




i blame the person who activated the spawner.

My guildy also died like 3 seconds later


Don’t blaem it on others, git gud






Suicided my Mystic for 5 stars






what the actual fuck black tiles >:[


aand then i got 4 pots from my next cult (flash projector op btw) so idfk anymore xd


died to my fps falling off of a cliff and then getting left behind and gangbanged by a bunch of oryxes
saddest loss was the lucky drake eggs and lucky gravel


Big oof for my ppe (only 7/8, though). I am not cut out for fullskip runs, it seems.


Neither is @Wilhuff for nests. :stuck_out_tongue:



I died to the new Oryx Castle in Rifts. Here’s what it looks like for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet:

I hear O2 is terrifying and throws out painlings instead of the normal scarabs x.x
Also found @Craftable (Rhea) whilst journeying through this monstrous landscape.