The Death Thread


was using shit mouse and playing on kong. Ended up scroliing down (so I could no longer see screen) instead of aiming…


A post was merged into an existing topic: The White Bag Thread v2


And let @Bleed’s sacrifice remain unrecognized?


bleed is such an OG name lmao


rip in chat for @Delbin. I remember he popped keys for us during the wlab prismimic event

Honorable mention to @Goomydoom


Oh fuck, shots do come from nowhere



OwO what’s this?


I almost died in a void. If I hadn’t consumed a mistletoe before doing the void, i’ll be dead.

So, keep ur mistletoes for voids.



cc destroyed crystal explo


bro that’s like eping a killer pillar


no, but yes


@Glawi Are you doing alright?


Yush, what about chu? :3


lol, i saw the same thing on my account, and thought “wow, i have a fan”
then, saw his account realizing he’s going for some “given most likes” achievement or something
awwww :cry:


he’s gotten that achievement so long ago, I think at this point it’s just a meme


Scheduled glawilike glawi when? Edit: International Glawi Day [Closed] Owo




I’m your fan actually <3